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Government & Education Best High Schools in Dumaguete?

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by lhyn630, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    American style history? That's a supposed benefit? American history at the elementary-high school level is a freaking joke. It reflects nothing on what American history really is.......at least in the public schools I went to. They straight out lie about historical facts. I suspect this is common in most countries though as they try to impose an agenda that promotes pride in their own country and ignore the horrible and disgusting things their government has done against humanity. (every country has their own skeletons in the closet).

    Back on the original thread. When I sent my x wife's kid to school here I chose Holy Child. Now he was only 4 years old and in "kindergarten" or preschool. Some things impressed me, like teaching chinese/mandarin, english, tagalog and Bisaya starting from day one of school. Having a military background and knowing where the world powers will likely be in 20-30 years if things continue on this path, I know that translators will be worth their weight in gold. Other things about Holy Child really turned me off. Mainly the charging for exams, stupid play costumes, field trips, snacks, parties (and this was preschool!).....the list goes on. For the younger kids you will need to have a helper to sit there for half the day with the kid, or do it yourself. Just know that at most these private school the tuition will likely only account for maybe half of your costs. The other thing was pushing the religion but hey, it's a private Catholic School I believe, so can't really complain much there. I just wanted to see more learning and less praying.
  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Bad news for some of you. I went to a Catholic elementary school and they taught us that if you were not a catholic you would go to hell.
  3. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    ... so ??? Hendrix, Bon Scott, Kurt Cobain, Rolling Stones (rather sooner than later), Dio, etc. the place to Rock 'n Roll...

    Heaven? ... you probably meet all relatives you try to avoid on earth during lifetime... but this time you'll never get rid of them again.
  4. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    oh Buggar i think i can feel the heat already:D
  5. tomtorific

    tomtorific DI Senior Member

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    Nuns also told me I would go blind if I didn't stop what I was doing.....only one eye went blind....:D
  6. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    Some parents are also concerned about the safety of the child walking to school and back again.If you're going to leave your son to the mercies of priests and nuns for 8 hours, the journey to and from school is probably the safest part of his day.
  7. MariaD

    MariaD One Hit Wonder?

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    Unless something has changed drastically during the past 10-15 years, I can't speak highly enough of SLS-Don Bosco High School. Yes, I'm biased because I'm an alumni, but I really think that my Don Bosco education was critical in my transition when my family moved to the United States. For college, I got accepted to both UP Dilliman and Ateneo-Manila, but a year after high school graduation, my family and I moved to the United States. I did well enough during my second year in college in the US to get a full tuition scholarship to a Jesuit university where i graduated summa cum laude (Phi Beta Kappa) and earned a 3/4 tuition scholarship to a Top 30 law school in the US where I graduated with honors (Order of the Coif). Even prior to law school graduation, I was offered work as an associate attorney at a large law firm in its DC location where I worked for 2 years before dedicating myself to public service - i.e., working as an attorney in a federal agency in DC, which included a stint as the Chief of Staff/Special Counsel for an agency's Chief (Head) Counsel; for a recent opening for 2 attorneys in my agency, we received around 400 resumes. I have/had colleagues who went to schools such as Sidwell Friends (DC), Georgetown Prep (DC), St. Ignatius Prep (Chicago), and various other "magnet" pubic high schools around the US, and I don't think I would have been able to compete with them but/for the education I received in Don Bosco.

    The curriculum in Don Bosco was structured yet I had enough time to participate in extracurricular activities that interest me. In terms of academics, all I can say is that I was more than prepared when I attended college/law school in the US (including getting into law journal). When it comes to discipline, I also liked the more laid-back, yet still effective, approach that Don Bosco has, over St. Paul's (the school I attended for grade school), and the fact that Don Bosco asked for minimal donations/contributions (if at all) compared to St. Paul's. The teachers I had during my high school were also very approachable, and I remember them being extremely supportive even when I messed up (big-time) at one point in my high school tenure. Finally, there were so many volunteer activities that help instill a sense of duty/public service.

    Anyway, to wrap things up, I think education from Don Bosco, is just as good as any education from US prep/magnet schools.
  8. Chloe

    Chloe DI Member

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    haha Rhoody you're funny...:smile::smile:
  9. Ge yingcui

    Ge yingcui DI New Member

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    anybody can help me? how can I directly apply joining in silliman university high school to study? I'm a Chinese in China.
  10. Ge yingcui

    Ge yingcui DI New Member

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    My daughter now is 16 years old, going to finish her middle school this year June , I plan to send her to study in SUHS, not through agency, if can I directly contact to somebody who is responsible for this program ? if yes, can send contact no. or email address to me?