OK, under the category of 'it's always friggin something...' Just back from the US to renew my driver's license. Missouri happens to be one of the 'individual rights' states fighting the Feds about secure driver's licenses to be used for air travel etc. Missouri has been fighting it because it requires 'too much' extra personal information. What does this mean to me? Now that Missouri is folding, instead of walking out with a new license, they mail it in 'less than 10 business days'. Thanks a lot, I got back here yesterday and my license showed up in my Uncle's mail today. So... What is the best/surest way to get an envelope from the US to the Philippines? UPS and FedEx are $105 - $107 and I am nervous about using USPS because of PhilPost involvement. What have you used for 'must have' delivery like credit/debit cards, driver's license, important documents, etc? I am considering USPS First-Class Mail International Mail, Registered with Return Receipt. Any success stories?
My father sent me a cell phone from Canada using Canada Post. It was sent as registered mail for about $10 Canadian, PhilPost charged me a small customs import duty/fee. It arrived in 2 weeks. I was surprised it arrived at all, but it did.
I get stuff mailed to me somewhat often from overseas and PhilPost so far has been ok. I get my mail now in Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu. I am in this forum because I plan to move to Dumaguette in June.
I am not sure how much people's problems with receiving mail is with the local PhilPost office vs 'the system' getting it there. I have only received on item since living in Valencia, I believe they txt me in a timely manner to let me know. Maybe most of the problems are local related and that is why results seem so inconsistent? No worries from me about no living here but on the forum, I am on a Cebu forum for the non-Cebu information.
If your mailing address is a Dumaguete city address, you can use USPS international priority mailing services ( and registered etc I am assuming)etc-- I just recently rented a PO Box @ the PhilPost by Quezon Park (Catalina Street) and haven't recvd any rush/registered packages, but did get my insurance ID card in a reasonable time, and noted it was standard international airmail @ $1.15 postage--
I had a LOT (and I mean a LOT!) of stuff sent from eBay as well as posting privately from Australia to my Wife using "Care of; Zamboanguita Post Office" as the address. Everything arrived to her bar one item from China and the seller resent another item which did arrive. The Post Office did charge her each and every time for the items which annoyed me but it is what it is here. When sending Cell Phones, I wrapped them in Alfoil, often around 6+ layers of it! I am not sure if the X-ray machines can pick up on what I did, but I sent 3x Cell Phones and 1x Tablet using this method along with many AA/AAA rechargeable Batteries as well as Cell Phone Batteries and ALL arrived no problems! The only time I got caught with a battery was sending the Daughter a Talking Story Book which contained a hearing Aid Battery and Australia Post stopped postage, but the manager at the local mall knew me and we removed the battery and she resent free of charge, I did not even realise it contained a battery and was surprised after sending several gadgets, so 'maybe' wrapping in Alfoil does help to get around the battery issue when posting gadgets abroad.
"Taxes" normally varied between 40php to 200+php depending on what was sent and from where, items sent from China via eBay attracted higher taxes I assume because they went through Manila Customs first. Items sent from Australia Post seemed to arrive much later and attracted smaller taxes maybe because I would *fudge* the contents? I gave up sending Registered Post after realising once the item left Oz it was no longer tracked or covered so assume it will be the same if sent from the US or any other country for that matter...