I would have done a bit more investigating into where the notification can't from. If it was an email notification then no worries. If an app or program is sending that you have a virus/malware/adware on your computer.
Best Posts in Thread: Beware, fishing for Paypal and Amazon
danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
Received two notifications one from someone purporting to be Paypal and one from Amazon notifying me that my accounts were locked and that I need to login from included link to reset.... most of you know this is a scam but in case some of you do not...Do not click on the included link.... both of these legitimate sites will send you an email and ask you to log in on your own if there is a problem....
- Informative x 3
danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
You might know this. At the top right of your notifications window are the words "Manage Notifications" . Click on those words. In the Notifications and actions window that comes up, turn off "Get notifications from apps and other senders".
- Informative x 2