Dumaguete Info Search


  1. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    One of my objectives when starting this thread was to have a little poke at the infrequent contributors to this site and others that never have done a single post ever, I also wished to stir up the existing members and get them talking again, along the way I was having a little fun with this, being an old man now most of the excitement I do get is with my clothes on.

    I see you are having a little poke at me that is OK perhaps I had that coming to me? I will not hold that against you, the main thing with me was to get you posting even if it means I get some abuse, I am in a better position than most to be able to take this, living here in a fully insulated house and having a thick fully insulated skin I have No Wucking Furries about that.

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  2. MikeP64

    MikeP64 DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines

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    That sounds like me. I've never started a thread. Never had a Dumaguete or Philippines related question I could not find the answer for already on DI, or somewhere else. Overwhelming urges to socialize via a form, it's not who I am. From time to time I might chime in, like now, because you asked a question that does apply to me. Not being there nor retired yet, I don't for see increased activity on my part. That's not necessarily a bad thing for you folks. Perhaps after we retire to our place there, in a few more years.

    As for the drifted direction of this thread, I'll quote Stephen Hawking:
    “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”
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  3. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    My objective when I started this thread was to get people talking hence the very title of it being quite insulting, thinking this may incite some people into posting.

    If I had been a little more PC and suggested that Filipinos were academically challenged instead of just plain stupid, perhaps you may not have even bothered to post on it? so I'm sorry if my brutal honesty offends you or others on this site but if this gets us all talking together perhaps I have achieved my objective? I did notice one of our infrequent but well respected members decided to post on this thread.

    As for myself I am quite thick skinned and not easily offended and would suggest this being a trait shared by most Scottish people, added to that we do tend to have a somewhat brutal sense of humour.
    Before I had eye surgery I used to wear glasses now these had very thick lenses, there would be times when I was in a Scottish Pub and someone would say; My! you must have good eyesight to see through these thick lenses? My reply to this would be these are the new Ex-ray Specs developed for use by the military and with them I can see you have a very small Dick.

    Sadly if you were to walk into a Scottish Pub today there will only be a few old diehards left much like going into a hospice, the fun is just not there anymore.
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  4. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  5. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    John, I know you will think I'm being all to critical of Filipinos as you wish to see the best in everyone, I think you look at the Philippines from the perspective of a person that has had a few holidays here and to be fair most people coming here for a short duration Holiday will have a good impression of the native people, it really is the land of smiles, mostly the people here are friendly towards Foreigners, their ability to speak English does help with this.

    Most Ex-pats that have been living here for a longer term such as myself will agree; that this really is the land of the stupid, most Students here in a University would be right out of their depth on any Foreigners Forum, for sure they will have been born with the same ability to learn as you and I or anyone else on DI, but the standard of education here will have wrecked their intelligence.

    Yes there will be many students that have passed out with their degrees, likely the pass rate is that much higher there than in the western world? party through corruption, as degrees can be bought, but also to fail them may show up just how bad the education standard is here and give a poor reflection on their Teachers as their degrees were likely to have been attained by dubious means?

    A University Graduate from UK has a good chance to find work in their speciality worldwide, but I would very much doubt if this would be possible for a Graduate from a PH University?

    This really is the land of the Stupid!
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    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
  6. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Dear Moderator's
    I can understand people not contributing to subjects they are not familiar with, as a non resident of Duma/Negros I can't relate to a lot of subject matter.
    Having only visited Dumaguete a couple of times, my local knowledge is limited, my interest from the beginning was finding some of the places of interest during a few days visiting my inlaws when in Philippines. Sadly my brother-in law died and the family living in Siquijor means the likely hood of visiting again is less likely.
    I would like to think that I built a few friendships from members through the forum.
    And although we might not meet again in person, will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
    My personal contributions mainly to the "Off Topic" forum is to bring subjects and matters which otherwise would not be discussed and to try engage peoples opinions on the various subjects.
    I'm sure had I chosen to live in Dumaguete or the surrounding Area's I would find plenty to photograph and report on to draw peoples attention.
    One thing that comes to mind why do you think the students attending the local University don't take an interest in the forum?
    Those who are critical of people and the surrounding areas could try to encourage more conversation with the locals as to how improve the environment etc and at the same time get involved with projects they could report on, in the forum.
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    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    +73 / 5
    Yes she was but I miss Roody the most. He was such a colorful character. Almost as much fun as reading posts by DAVE1942.
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  8. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Up and running for sure. I use it and also own about 6 Groups there. My Philippines Group https://www.flickr.com/groups/philippinesthebeautiful/

    User (Tread Travels) Admin is my photography, almost at 1 million views now
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  9. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    +73 / 5
    So true! When my son was 11 he was just as tall as me. Now he is a few inches taller, but all my uncles were taller than 6 feet, I must have enjoyed a really bad diet in my youth.
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  10. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    As a very HIGH paying guest of this country between Immigration fees and the high degree of skin tax applied to us Foreigners, not to mention the Millions of Pesos I have parted with in my little over 10yrs of being here, added to that I am a relative Newbie to this site not having been a member here for 10yrs or more, have I not earned the right to have a little b*tch and moan about the place?
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