Glad they finally caught the second guy. It's sad that the most up-to-date information I received was not CNN/fox/etc, but was a guy listening to scanners and posting updates on Reddit (obviously he left out important details which could have helped the perp).
Having read the last few opinions and not having read the Koran, I can only comment as a committed Christian that if we all believed and acted out the Ten Commandments this would be a better World......just a thought.
And what does the ten commandments say about rape and slavery again ? What the world needs is not more religion since religion has played out is role long time ago (to try and give answers to things that were scary and unknown like lightning and bad harvests and such before science kicked in and started giving answers) but education and less greedy people who starts wars/conflicts for the sake of money/power.
Sort of sounds like what conservitive leaders are trying to do with public education and PBS in the states. At least that is what I get from all of their bellyacking.
Not really. The Bible and the Koran have the same rules almost verbatim. Christian women are supposed to cover their heads just the same as Muslims (or else have their heads shaved). Check out all the rules that are punishable by death in the bible. They're not so far off from each other. Christians just cherry pick which laws they want to follow. I believe those people are called cafeteria Christians.
Blah, conservative, liberal. All the same thing. Both put an equal amount of slant on their side of the issues. If you think a politician is in office to serve the people you need to take a better look at how the system works, and who pays their bills.
They are both nice storybooks written by people trying to explain things they didn't understand and applicable to the time and conditions they were written in. We (should) have evolved some 2000 years by now and (should) know better. Taking either book verbatim and trying to live accordingly is total and utter nonsense. Vicmico