Nick78_swe Far be it frome me to suggest that the World needs more religion and yes I agree that 2000 yrs ago things were different without "Science". My point was pure and simple, if people today followed 10 simple rules this World would be a better place. I am not trying to convert anyone, believe what you like....regards JB
Except the in the Koran they have the right to make a Christian denounce Jesus or they can basically kill you
Actually in the Qor'an he is referred to "Al-Masih" (Messiah) he is also referred to as "the Word of God", "the Word of Truth", "a Spirit from Him", "the Messenger of God", "the Prophet of God", and "the Servant of God". He is said to be "illustrious in this world and the next and of those nearest to God". As a performer of exceptional miracles, he was rescued by God from an untimely end, was raised up to heaven, and will come back to earth again........ to die a Muslim. (of course they had to throw that in there lol) Muslims just don't believe he was the son of god. And no, you do not have to denounce Jesus or die. But just like the bible, the quran can be interpreted many different ways and cherry picked from. That's why you have highly conservative and very liberal sects within Islam.
And according to Mormons god completely changed the story and had Mr. Smith read the new bible out of a top hat to a scribe. But according to L. Ron Hubbard god is really a bunch aliens that were banished to the earth and you must pay him large some of money so he can show you how to tap into their chi (or something of the sort). Get the point or should I keep going on the ridiculous stories of all religions. They are all just as silly to me.
The do all appear silly if one can not or will not discern truth from fact. That is like saying all people are bad based on an observation of the bad some people do, or all cars are junk because of some past mechanical problems you have had.
A religion is a belief not a truth or fact. Hence the word belief. Proving any form of a God is not possible. You simply have to believe in it. Nothing wrong with that, but let's not get it confused with facts and truths. You can't prove a virgin birth, you must believe. You can't prove someone walked on water, healed the sick/wounded, came back from the on and so on. I don't doubt Moses, Jesus or Muhammad were real people and we're very influential in their day. I do doubt their ability to talk to God.......we call people who hear voices crazy these days.