But it isn't just them they affect. Society has interests, and by that I mean everyone but that individual. If that person masks with an N95 and is careful, I understand them as they are thinking of others beyond them. We allow people to be stupid ( a subjective term). But if they aren't careful and considerate of others, then they increase the risk of harm and death to others. There is no right to increase the risk of harm and death to others. No right.
So a month ago in a conversation with a reporter, a CDC person said there were 750 deaths associated with the vaccine, and 142 of them had been investigated and found not to be due to the vaccine, so that's 608 deaths. The population of the US is 332 million and say 30% were under 18 or can't be vaxxed, that leaves 232.5 million. That leaves you with .0000026 chance or .00026% chance of death. You don't get to consider complications because you dismissed the complications of long covid. Society has interests -
1. Replication - more replication increases the chance of more transmissible and/or more virulent variants.
2. Transmission - less transmission, the numbers in 3. say you will transmit less if vaxxed.
3. Straining the Health System - Cloggin up the hospitals and morgues with your body and carcass. Straining the hospital systems and ICUs produces poorer care, more deaths, and leads to triage. The unvaccinated are 5x more likely to get infected and 29 times more likely to be hospitalized.
4. Long Covid - this adds an additional burden to the health system during a pandemic and beyond. Kids are infected more with Delta. I do not know how triage is practiced, but I do know Oklahoma was transferring kids to Texas when their system was overwhelmed. The next generation will deal with that.
OK, feel free to dismiss it all, or denigrate it as you want.
Best Posts in Thread: Breakthrough Covid
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She's a UK epidemiologist with other credentials and a critic of UK school policy. So she's estimating the burden of long covid on schoolkids. You would have to add that burden into the mix and it is X, the unknown. Two current theories: 1, there is a reservoir somewhere in the body, and 2. there is a chronic autoimmune response generated in the body, and it seems to affect more women. People who are hospitalized generally seem to lose some brain matter as the condition worsens (brain fog, etc,), if you survive intubation they estimate you've lost 7 points off your IQ. Lead poisoning causes a two point loss. So for some (~10% they think) of the hospitalized, there is a big change in life.-
Informative x 3
Anti-mask and anti-vaccine crusaders have stuck to their word against science ... that is until a string of the most vocal skeptics fell victim to Covid-19. In the latest episode of The Point, CNN's Chris Cillizza explains how the anti-vaccine contingency has changed its tone, and how these deaths could've been completely avoidable all along.
The patients are younger. They have fewer preexisting medical conditions. And at my hospital, over 95% of these hospitalized patients share one common feature: They’re unvaccinated.
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Ozzyguy DI Forum Adept
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Pat, yes being vaccinated won't stop people getting infected, so vaccination is not a panacea regarding Covid. A few days ago I read this article about the situation in Israel (which has a high vaccination rate). The article shows that a majority of people currently in hospital with Covid have been vaccinated.
It needs to be taken into account that Israel was also one of the earliest countries to start a mass vaccination process, so many of the elderly there had their shots like almost half a year ago, which means the efficacy of the vaccination may be waning.
Anyway, this situation is definitely the driver in Israel's decision to give people a booster shot.-
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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mntnwolf DI Member
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My wife (44, no priority) and I (63, tourist visa) went thru our Barungay Health Center, and received the one-shot Janssen vac just a few days later -- 6 weeks ago. (both had minor side-affect of 24 hours diarrhea starting 48 hrs after jab, some tiredness).
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There are regular fb posts on the Provincial Government page about vaccine arrivals. Just check to see what has arrived and time accordingly if you are looking for specific brand.
Also, I am aware of incentives (informally) where they will vaccinate under-60s who accompany a senior who may otherwise be reluctant or face logistical issues. This could be used in any way desired for someone under 60 looking for a jab. They cannot know who is/was reluctant. I'm sure it's just about timing and having a bit of confidence to spin a line to them.-
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Social justice has been practiced for all of human existence. It isn't some new liberal agenda like Fox would like everyone to believe. If it weren't for the Bill of Rights we would likely be living under a Christian theocracy where "social justice" and the bible would be the law of the land and everyone would need to follow some self serving interpretation of scripture or risk being "cancelled" with actual freedoms lost through imprisonment or through more permanent measures.-
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Whatever point you were trying to make was based on defective information.
You go on and on about people have the right to make their own choices wether to get vaccinated or not. People should make their own decisions. The chance of making a correct decision depends on having correct information.-
Agree x 2
Last edited: Sep 8, 2021 -
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