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CAAP limits use of Dumaguete airport

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by DavyL200, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Cerne

    Cerne DI Forum Adept

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    I think you'll find that we are basically in agreement Rob, pay the guy fair and what is due. As I stated it might be in the public interest, though it might not be fair or right.

    Btw, I am reserving my views on your attitude. I never presume or assume.

    All the best,

  2. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I'm not presuming or assuming anything, you wrote take his trees and pay him for them. If you wish to say that is not what you meant, go ahead and say so, everyone can correct themselves if they think their meaning wasn't clear, but up to now all I know is what you have written. What else am I supposed to go by?

    You seem to want to minimize the man with the trees problem, I tried to demonstrate a fictional occourence that would give you a similar problem, in which it would effect very few other than yourself, and in which I doubt many would care. I would care though because if you believe in property rights and due process of law, it's not just for people you know, not just for people you like. You don't just take someone's trees and pay him for them because you are taking more than wood, you are impairing his right to do with his property as he sees fit. Then there is the reported reason for the trees being to stop damage to the house, which the reports saying the trees are not giants and the fact that parts of one were found in the landing gear of a jet aircraft leads me to believe that the house may be in danger if the trees are removed. I suppose I object to the tone of your post in that you just need to pay for the trees and take them, as if the man were a peon or a serf. Pay particular attention to where I quoted you below, it's not an excerpt from a paragraph.

    " This joker just owns a few trees and is not Del Monte or whatever Mega Company. Compulsory Purchase of a few trees shouldn't be hard to do particularly if the powers can be delegated to City government. "

    Your statement above is probably the root reason why the power does reside in the judiciary. Can anyone imagine how it would be if the threshold were so low that city government could do it? Also the size of a company has nothing to with right. I have told the executive VP for land acquisition for KOG a multi-billion dollar corporation that dealing with me is above his pay grade. The next person from the company to call me was Lynn Peterson, president of KOG we had some chats and I decided that we wouldn't do business but at least I was talking to the person with authority and not time wasters. An owner is equal to the president of a multi-billion dollar company. Both have final authority, you can't climb any higher up the ladder and most anything can be worked out if both sides show respect. The man with the tree was not respected when his roof was damaged and he sought recompense.

    As for reserving your view on my attitude? It's your view, if you think I'm a dick, you can say it, won't do much but give me a chuckle. You seem offended that I don't agree with what you write. Nothing personal but you write some doozies, like give the city the power to condemn. I note that you don't live in the city. I don't think you truly believe that would be a good idea but I could be wrong.

    Feel free to grab a hammer and go after any of my posts, it might improve them. In any case it will give me more opportunities to get my point across. Just do me the courtesy of quoting a paragraph and not half a sentence, spell the name correctly and make sure what you say is true.
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  3. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    I agree Jack, we don't need to know how to fly a plane and all the related terminology, we just need to know is it going to be jets or propeller jobbies.
    If it goes to propellers then that's me wrong again as i was sure Dumaguete couldn't go any farther backwards than it is now .........
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