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Tourist Visa CAMBODIA makes it easy....

Discussion in 'Passports and Visas' started by Rye83, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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    You can go for the sunrise at Ankor, tour there til the heat really hits, then come back the following day for Bayon before the tour buses arrive. Three days is misleading, cause we basically did 60% days for three days.
  2. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Did she have the seminar certificate in her passport also? How long ago? How old was she at the time?

    I'm not sure I agree Countries treat them bad although there are countries where it is a higher risk. Working for a 'westerner' in any country is likely to be good while working for a Chinese national is likely to treated not so good. The problem is even if treated badly and the employer is prosecuted, the OFW will be deported and blacklisted from reentry (in Hong Kong for example) making the decision to stand up for themselves Very difficult. From the ability to'prove it', the possibility of being set up as a thief etc, because normally they live in the employer's house, no safe place to go, loss of income and ability to support family back home..... the list goes on.

    I hope it didn't sound like I was mocking the policy in my previous post, I was merely stating the fact they scrutinize younger Filipina's travel plans more and the cutoff for that extra attention is 25. It is another hurdle guys with SO 19-24 should be aware of.
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  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Many do not realise this but the Philippine age of Marriage consent without parental permission is 25
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  4. OP

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I'm perfectly content with the answer...if it is the right one. But if they are wrong I'm going to be out $300 for the round trip ticket from MNL to REP. :shifty:

    After reading the purpose of the CFO's Guidance and Counseling Program I almost certain that it doesn't apply to vacations. It clearly states it is for cross-culture marriage and migration.....neither of which she is doing.

    That's my interpretation of the law anyways. Immigration may have a very different interpretation. I'm going to hope that they have a basic understanding of English and the law. I was going to go ahead and do the class but the application form was asking for all my information. It would be dishonest (and a complete waste of time) to fill it out as if we were getting married and I simply don't want the Philippine government to be under the impression (or have on file) that we are planning on getting married. It is just a vacation together as friends, we are not getting married or even in a relationship and she is not migrating anywhere. We'll see what happens when it is time to fly.

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  5. OP

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I won't be flying out with her. I fly out of Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, she flies out of Cebu or Manila. (I will try too get a flight out of country from Mactan instead of NAIA.)
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  6. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Even if you are flying together, as long as you go thru the foreigner line and she goes thru the citizen line, they won't know unless you are both on the same flight reservation. She is going to visit a female former neighbor for all they know...

    What I do not know is how often and why they deny Filipinas from getting on a flight and if having the seminar certificate would make denial less likely.
  7. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Sounds like the process for getting rejected is called offloading. I found several sites that talk about it. If she doesn't have a job, it sounds like the probability goes up. On multiple sites, they talk about being confident. Depending on her personality and understanding of the process, that could be hard to do when it's her first time doing something. It may be easy for an immigration person to fluster her, so she better have her story down and all the documents. Things like hotel names, proof of reservation, itinerary, etc. Is she a type A personality?

    First Time Abroad: Tips and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | The Poor Traveler

    What can I do to make sure I won’t be offloaded by the Immigration?
    The Bureau of Immigration has been implementing stricter rules lately. According to the bureau, every day around 40 people are offloaded at NAIA Terminal 1 alone. Three to four in every 50 of these offloaded passengers actually have legitimate reasons to go abroad. You don’t want to be one of them.

    If you want to make sure you won’t be offloaded, you need to follow the guidelines released to Immigration Officers by the bureau. A 2012 memorandum enumerates what the officers must require from departing passengers:

    1. Passport
    2. Visa (if applicable)
    3. Filled out departure card
    4. Roundtrip ticket
    They usually also ask for your company ID. Then, if they deem necessary, you will be assessed based on the following criteria:

    1. Age
    2. Educational attainment
    3. Financial capability to travel
    What does the last item mean? Well, in a nutshell, tourists with no steady source of income in the Philippines and no benefactors who appear to have a different reason for traveling other than for leisure are more likely to be offloaded. So if in case you are subjected to a secondary inspection, you would want to have the following with you:

    • If you’re an employee, Certificate of Employment (best if it indicates your salary and how long you have been with the company)
    • If you’re self-employed, a copy of your Business Registration Certificate
    • If you’re a freelancer, you should still have an ITR. If your clients pay it for you, you may ask for a copy from the client. You may also ask your client to produce a document that would certify that they have hired you and the details of the project/contract.
    I always have a copy of both my ITR and a “Certificate of Employment” from my clients to be safe.

    For more info about this, check out: How to Avoid Getting Offloaded

    Should I present all these documents at the Immigration booth?
    No. Again, most of the time, the Officer will only ask for the following:

    • Passport (with visa, if applicable)
    • Accomplished departure card
    • Round-trip ticket
    • Company ID
    Don’t present other documents when they don’t ask for them. All the other documents are more like safety nets IN CASE you need to prove you’re employed.

    Just answer their questions confidently.

    More articles on offloading.

    7 things to remember to avoid being offloaded

    Tips on How to Avoid Being Offloaded in Philippine Airports

    What Filipinos Need to Know About Traveling Abroad
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    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I did not think you were mocking but I was just pointing out my views on the way young women going abroad have to be very careful these days. On the issue of the treatment of OFWs, I recall relatively recently a young Filipina being beheaded in Saudi Arabia because a child died in her care .... there is such a thing as 'unexplained cot death' and who knows even if the parents were responsible. Shocking treatment from a male-orientated society where if anything goes wrong it cannot be one of them. May I plead with those responsible for this horrendous action against a young girl to holiday in North Korea just at the same time Trump inevitably nukes it.
  9. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    After reading some more on this subject, I understand the logic behind it. If you look at who they are targeting, unemployed and uneducated young women with little financial means, it makes sense to me. It is certainly a hassle for those with good intentions who want to take an unemployed, uneducated poor young woman on a trip, but it aims to protect the naive young woman enamored with a free trip to some exotic place with someone they may not know so well. It's more a statement about society in my mind than the immigration people and it's sad.
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  10. OP

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Nanny state. Stupid thrive.