But never give up,making suggestions... one idea may just make enough sense to those in power, or put enough pesos in their pockets that they implement it. nwlivewire
Sounds like one of those peat moss fires.....only in the Philippines. Notice no mention of climate change by me. How Climate Change Is Fueling the World's Longest-Burning Fires
Great article to read, and almost proves that I will be extinguished before the Candua-uay Dump fire is. (I posted that earlier) Sounds like with a little lack of attention, the Philippines could again grab another of the number one positions in the world as the most pollution from a trash fires category, particularly if the Philippines is annexed into China and both countries combine efforts to become NUMBER ONE. Filipinos will be very excited. Look how excited the Philippines was when a Filipina became Miss Universe, and that was a joint venture with Germany...
The article states: "During the special session, Batinguel Barangay Captain Nicolas Ramirez said the smoke from the dumpsite didn't reach his barangay." Well the Captain needs to come by where we live in upper Batinguel. We have plenty of that foul smelling smoke, not all the time but more than one should have to live with.
Huh? Can someone please tell me what is going on in that last paragraph quoted? I'm reading it as: "The city will completely ignore physics/chemistry and not worry about any explosions likely to occur that will send burning trash flying in all directions during a major water shortage because......we are going to open a new dump somewhere else......eventually." or more simply put: "Screw that physics guy, let it blow up. We'll just open another when that happens. Screw all the families that have property and live near the dump." Maybe something is getting lost in translation here?
I have been avoiding bringing this up, BUT, Many Servicemembers that were exposed to breathing the smoke and fumes from open air, burning trash pits while stationed in Iraq, have been coming down with terrible lung issues - so bad, the x-rays of some of their lungs look like swiss cheese and they are dying. Litigation has been going on for years on this issue and will probably become another belated, after-the-fact "Agent Orange" deal. But noxious burn pit fumes can be toxic to the lungs and can leave a person with permanent damage to the upper respiratory system - with some people developing premature deaths - not a pleasant way to go, either. Is anyone monitoring and accurately recording the air quality - or taking labratory samples of the air around the area(s) exposed to these fumes/smoke? V/R, nwlivewire
Not lost in translation, you just missed the part that said: "the total cost of the project is P4,380,000 funds of which will be taken from the 30 percent quick response fund." This end justifies whatever means they have to use to get at the cash. This is Philippines. Follow the money.
I was on VBC myself. Luckily I was pretty far away from that dump (which they intentionally lit on fire). Twice I was put on a detail watching the Iraqi guys that worked at the dump. Horrible horrible place that dump was. If it would have been a daily thing for me I would have refused and taken my court marshal. BTW: I think that place was called "Camp Trashcan" if I remember correctly.
Please make sure this is documented in your VA medical records. Make sure the VA is aware of your exposure and do not "poo-poo" or downplay your time spent around/near the burn pits. **** As an aside, 25 years AFTER I left Camp Lejeune, NC (Marine Corps Base), I was informed by a DOD-type letter back in 2008/2009, that ALL the water I drank, the water I showered in, the water everywhere in the compound I was located in and worked in was HIGHLY contaminated. At one point, I was pregnant during this time period and my unborn Son was also exposed (in utero). This may also explain the miscarriage I had, too. My Son and I are now on a registry of known persons who COULD develop wierd things (hopefully not). The VA is now developing "presumptive" conditions in this Camp Lejeune "water issue". The VA is going to treat all registered and known persons - regardless of whether they served or not (dependants) - if they receive a diagnosis of any of those "presumptive" conditions. ***** So just in case - please get this documented in your VA med records. You never know. 25 years could go by like what happened to me. So far, so good for me - nothing "wierd" or presumptive has occurred. Nothing "wierd" has occurred to my Veteran Son, either. Just saying.... V/R, nwlivewire