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Best Posts in Thread: Cats and Dogs Vets

  1. mangoman

    mangoman DI Junior Member Infamous

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    i've had the pleasure over the years of being the pack leader for both a mongrel and a purebred and easily give the award to best all around canine companion to a mongrel i rescued from "death row" in an animal shelter in my 20s... she was a super special dog... she readily and steadfastly offered the best canine companionship a person could ever hope for over 12 years... i've also had a special connection with an excellent purebred working line german shepherd out of the czech republic in my 40s... super intelligent, obedient and loyal to his final breath... but he simply did not possess the personality and charm of the mongrel.
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  2. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    srry i am johnny come lately to this topic. we have used dr. baro on the nat highway, across from NORSU and the provincial government offices. number is 422-0596/09278634092. three years experience with him with no issues but we never have done anything but routine injections and pills. easy to find, easy parking, nice staff and doc. just in case someone is looking for an alternative
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Breeding is nature - standard of living is nurture. If a dog has bad genes (usually recessive genes from inbreeding) then all the best care in the world may not aid its survival.
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  4. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    @Jack Peterson, thank you for the info.
    @PatO, absolutely agree! I have had 3 or more pure breed that cost 5figures on our monthly budget. After our 12yrs old Bullmastiff passed away 5 months ago. Our tidy lil mutt take over the radar-a 1 yr old local dog behaving purrfectly without mistakes! No dramas! All shoes and furniture are still in purrfect condition. She's the satellite antenna of the property commanding a 3 yr old Blonde(mix bullmastif and doberman) and 4 Ninja cats. Best dog ever and very low maintenance even better than a Wife:wink:)
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  5. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    +204 / 35
    Just a short update of this thread. The purebred bull mastiff has been put to slept peacefully and the Blonde followed few month ago. Both of them were neutered and occasionally had UTI, they were on strict diet but i guess their weight and the surgery were not that good. And also 1 of the cat that has been spayed as well developed a tumor after few years and was sent to the end of the rainbow to join the two giants. So now, the Mutt is currently the Prime Minister of the house, we keep her virginity intact and used diaper when she’s in heat.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2020
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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