YMMV I suppose. Why the delay/reluctance in releasing the raw data and/or giving straight answers? I'm still a hard pass on this Chinese product. Their government is one big dumpster fire and I trust absolutely nothing that comes from them or anything they have their dirty little fingers in. The Turkish and Brazilian governments don't have a much better track record either IMO. These are not countries I would ever trust my health, security or money with.
I can't imagine what would be injected into someone who was stupid enough to go the black market route for a vaccine.
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Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army
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Seems it may lead to a covid (been vaccinated) card to fly. That may or may not lead to the (at some point) needed to enter business, needed to walk in public or leave your premises etc. That is the road to a forced vaccination. They are also thinking about (in time to come) to list those not vaccinated. I myself will except the numbered tattoo or get the North Korean vaccine when they develop it. Cheers!
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NowandThen DI Forum Adept Restricted Account
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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Here in Dumaguete a Chinese or Indian vaccine will probably be available before an American or European vaccine.
Here is a link to an article stating that one million people have already been vaccinated with Chinese Sinopharm vaccine.
There is also an extreme variability in price.
Pfizer $32 USD per dose two required = $64 USD
Moderna $22 USD per dose two required = $44 USD
Johnson & Johnson $3 USD only one required = $3 USD
Reports from China = $60 USD for two doses.
In Jiaxing the vaccine will cost about $60 for the required two doses
What will be the issues? How will we know that the vaccine that becomes available here is legit and not fake?-
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