In Terminal 2 in Dubai (this is the terminal where you fly out to all those really nasty extremist Muslim countries around the world) I had to go to the CR. Follow the signs and walk through the hallway and see this: Nope. I'm not wearing a dress (and I have 2 arms) so I make a left to the other CR and then see this all bright and up in my face: Huh? I had been awake for around 30 hours at that point......took my brain about 15 seconds to process what to do next. I made the right choice in the end.
The blue one is the correct door. Another thing that cracked me up was at arrivals in the airport in Abu Dhabi. How do they know they are walking away with the right one? lol I saw one guy walk up right up to one of them and kissed her (presumably a "her") on the top of the head, didn't hear any conversation beforehand. How did he know he was kissing the right one? They didn't have their IDs out like in the picture below. I was quite surprised when I was in Manila (Terminal 1 in the smoking area) and saw all the middle eastern Muslim guys dressed up in their Muslim man dresses (drinking beer and eating pork.....effin hypocrites. I've had one Saudi man, many years ago in Angeles City, tell me that "Allah can't see out of the Kingdom"). They were all giving me nasty looks and watching every move I made. Wanted to put a boot to their face for their nastiness and unwarranted hatred towards me. I only kept my mouth shut because I didn't know if they were going to the same destination as me.
Lucky you chose the correct colour mate. If you went into the ladies, what would have your punishment been ? would lose a hand if you steal food there I am told. What would you lose if you steal a shudder to think..........maybe another unmentionable appendage...........ha ha ha ha ha.:D
I wonder how many people make the mistake of wrong CR. Being tired I can see women going in the men's by accident easily. In the photo of women with ID they all need a manicure and only one has a ring. Maybe the one in the lighter dress helps her to be recognized.
The UAE doesn't do that crazy sh*t with the punishments. I could have talked my way out of that mistake. Most of the workers there aren't Emirates anyways. They import the work from third world countries and don't treat them to well. I would have the upper in any argument with them. Not that I would be an arrogant prick.....but I know what hand I'm holding.
I don't know if rings are customary for Muslims. I've always been told if they fully cover themselves they are married or spoken for. Guess that would depend on what country they are from and how extreme their religious views are though.
It's a pretty big risk to take. I really think that the covering the women's faces up is just a complete lack of self confidence by middle eastern men. (Then again, if you have ever seen a middle eastern woman over the age of 35 you would understand why they cover that mug up. o_O)
Much more of a clash of culture there than here in Phil, I think I will stay stress meter would not cope..........:D