I agree. But its worth noting that not all Philippine bottled water facilities are well managed and maintained. On very rare occasions I have had bouts of LBM from bottled water coming from an unsanitary distributor. I doubt if any government officials check them over. Some of them may be selling tap water. So we pays our money and takes our chances and have the peace of mind that the water has 'probably' gone through a filtration process.
Best Posts in Thread: Clear Water Revival
Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
Maybe someone could pull some icebergs from near Antarctica to the Philippines, no need for desalination
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You should consider supplying the GI pipe yourself. A neighbor had a well drilled and the pipe supplied by the drilling company only lasted 2 years before it rotted out. The water happened to be very acidic.
I have not bought any GI pipe here but I do buy steel from time to time. Uy Matiao seem to have the best quality that I have found, certainly not the cheapest. If you are doing something as expensive as a well you will want to protect your investment.-
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Each rainy season brings flooding from poor drainage and litter clogging tge little drainage there is.
For rural areas, in addition to over fertilization the septic tanks here are.... Low standard.... with little or no drainfield nor filtration, some are 1 chamber (aka a hole in the ground with hollow blocks around and a dirt bottom.
We've had a private well and still buy our drinking water, my thinking is just because it test clean now, what happens with the next rainy season? What are people uphill from us doing? Best to be safe.
In addition, raw sewage is common. Every year there are stories of companies big and small cutting cost this way. The government stepped in to clean up Boracy as it was disgusting. If anyone thinks Manilla Bay is safe for swimming just because they added dolomite then I will also sell you some beachfront property in Navada, just outside of Las Vegas.-
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