No circus come to Dumaguete so many clowns already lol
Best Posts in Thread: Coming to Dumaguete in a month
Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
When Dumaguete is a city Bayawan is a sleepy town, if you enjoy sitting on a bench and watch people pass by, then it's the right place for you, not much pollution even electric trikes, and maybe in future, they even open a Jollibee lol
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It shows the importance of city planning. Once the streets are laid out and the land subdivided it is impossible for free societies to replan the city. China has an advantage in that it is easier for them to condemn all the properties in the area and build a new city.
Dumaguete is exposed to the wind that channels down between the islands so it should feel a little cooler than most sea level cities in the Philippines. Dumaguete also has a well established expat population. Thanks in part to this website.-
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Hello Everybody,
I will be moving to Dumaguete in about a month. I am a 56 yo male from USA. A year ago, when I met my fiance, I spent 2-1/2 months travelling around the Philippines. I think Dumaguete is best for us because she is from the province North of Dumaguete.
We will be looking to settle down near Silliman University. I look forward to meeting like minded expats.
Thank you for sharing information on this forum.-
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Good one! This should have been posted to the funny section.
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Personally, every single "downtown" area I've been to in the Philippines has been bumper to bumper with trikes, jeepneys and/or taxis that haven't had a legit smoke test done on them in over a decade. You will definitely have to learn the city back/side roads to get around in pretty much any city in the Philippines.-
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