In anticipation of needing some fairly complex blood medical testing, I walked into a lab a while back and was told, sorry sir, we cannot do those here (standard U.S. tests). Does anyone know if Silliman does it's own lab work or do they farm it out? Have an appointment with a specialist later, maybe he will know or maybe he won't. Maybe I have to go to Cebu to get the tests done? I have read so many negative posts on the net about poor medical care here, I don't have my hopes up and I am not looking forward to going to Cebu just to get standard medical care. If anyone knows of a good lab here, please let me know.
siliman does have its own lab for blood tests..As to weither they can accomodate your kind of tests,you would have to ask.. If you decide to go to Cebu for your tests,go to 'Hi- Precision'..They seem like they know what they are doing..Miguel
Well, I cannot know for certain but I am fairly sure that Sillyman and Holy Crap do their own lab work. Based on the activity and equipment it looks like they are analyzing it on site. There is also quite a volume of people doing blood tests and since medical care here is about making money it seems odd if they passed on this business opportunity. When you give blood in both places the results are also usually back in 1-2-3 hours, which seems like very little time to run the samples to an external site and get the results back.
yes, ok... Yes, ok ha, I am even somewhat apprehensive about letting them stick a needle in my arm here.