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Utilities & Mobile Best Posts in Thread: Converge ISP

  1. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

    Trophy Points:
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    +480 / 202
    Starlink Update:
    The system's now been up and running for approx 6 months. Speed averages around 150-200Mbps and is very stable - even with 12-15 users connected. The only time it becomes an issue is during torrential rain when it sometimes loses the signal (just as your sat TV would do) but it reconnects very quickly (seconds) when the downpour eases. I added a 3rd party router for ethernet connectivity (2 TV's & 3 PC's). The only other issue encountered is the lack of compatible router with installed VPN availability though I guess it'll come in time (as far as I'm aware it's only available only in USA at the moment). For P2700/month and totally hassle free (i.e negligible downtime & consistent high speed connectivity) I believe it's good value.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  2. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

    Trophy Points:
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    +480 / 202
    Further update:

    I've now relocated the router and allowed the system to stabilise - Link speed of 260 Mbps & Wifi speed of 215 Mbps. 6 devices logged on - Netflix & Amazon Prime are instant, no delay in loading, no lag, no buffering. We'll see what the service is like in a downpour.
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  3. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

    Trophy Points:
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    +480 / 202
    Update on Starlink:
    Kit finally arrived after numerous customs & courier delays in Cebu.

    Temporarily installed on a breadboard on the roof ridgeline - set up time around 15 mins (all done through the app). All seems to be working OK but will give it a day or so then either make a permanent fixture, or move it.

    Link speed 192 Mbps, Wifi speed of 76 Mbps (should improve when I relocate the router)

    One seriously happy chappie!
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  4. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

    Trophy Points:
    Milliways - at the end of time and matter
    +480 / 202
    I have friends in Bacolod whose ISP is Converge - they say it's the best and have great speed & reliability. We live quite remote but within 100m of a Globe tower, which is supplied by Converge - though they have no immediate intention to extend the service to domestic. Personally I'm going with Starlink which is meant to arrive on Tuesday (coverage of Philippines commenced 22nd February I'm told). Watch this space.
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