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Cost of living in Australia

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by claire29, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. claire29

    claire29 DI Member

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    Hello guys,

    Good day to all. It may seems strange that I am asking this informations about the cost of living in Australia. But actually I like australia very much but the only thing that I don't want to repeat is the cold winter like here in italy. I might give it a try, a visit for some months. I had already ask this questions to a forum member but I thought to start a new one here since it was abit off topic from the other thread. So pls ladies and gentlement help me to have some informations about this beautiful australia. I prefer a place that is always hot I mean no winter at all. A place that is not expensive and very modest but still competitive with regard to job, education, and health facilities and friendly people. I have only one son his is turning 4 years old on feb. , so with a family like mine how much should be the right budget in order to live comfortably. My budget should cover monthly rent, food, bills and school expenses. Living in australia what should be the most expensive thing to be considered for people that are not rich. And about insurance ? does it cost much there. Thank you in advance everybody. We will surely appreciate all the informations you can give to us . thanks again.

  2. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Claire,I have never been to Aussie but,,,
    A TV program about UK immigrants going there, showed me that the cost of living is just as expensive as Europe and housing slightly more!
    regards JB
  3. NeddySterling

    NeddySterling DI Junior Member

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    Cost of living

    I think cost of living and wages tend to be proportionate - wages in PH low / cost of living low - To rent house 3 brm in areas of Australia can be 12,000 php a week - but then government pays you 11,000 php a week for not working.

    The only way to experience is to save enough to live for 3 months and go there. I would think Australia would be on a par with Italy.

    Don't be fooled - areas in Australia are extremely cold - to avoid this settle in the North but be prepared for 46 degree (C) heat in the summer.

    My wife has never complained about the heat in the Philippines since her visit to Australia at Xmas. :D
  4. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    Hello guys,

    I am very sorry gentlemen for this very late reply. I would like to say thank you to sir John boy and sir NeddySterling for taking time on answering my post. My husband and me are thinking to give it a try. But for sure not so soon yet. As of now we will just stick on coming back to phil and for the while be happy of what we have. For any other informations pls it is always welcome and we will appreciate it very much. Thank you again and a nice week end to all.

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