Or instruction how to add this spoiler button. It was not completely off-topic because I pointed to a city which seems (no longer?) handling traffic better.
Click on Insert to the left of the little camera a Drop box will give you additional items as well as the spoiler if you feel that is what you need to satisfy people
Spoiler: Test spoiler Testing spoiler funcion for future off topics Thank you. It seems working Spoiler: Semi offtopic My wife was 2016 in Ormoc and she told me that the traffic in Ormoc was indeed becoming worse in the rush hour since my last visit in 2013
Another method: Note: If you see some formatting in a post and you don't know how it was done you can view all possible BB codes at the link below. BB Codes | Dumaguete Info (Please refrain from changing fonts and changing font colors/size of entire posts. It is annoying and ugly. If it starts being abused warning points will be issued.)