Just wanted to share a couple pics of some tiny, cute 6 week old puppies. The mom is a mix breed we were able to adopt a couple years ago from a lumber yard; her DNA test shows her to be mostly mini pin with mostly equal parts Japanese Spitz, Pekingese and some others that were just put into possible classes. The dad is a pure breed Papillon that I purchased in Korea and brought to the Philippines. I got him as I wanted a good dog that would do well both in the apartment style in Korea as well as have the run of my construction site (on a leash on site obviously...safety first). I think the puppies (2 girls and a boy) look more like the Papillon; that is with the coloring and the round head, plus they are little fluff balls of pure speed. Definitely have to watch where you are walking at all times. I got my boy when he was 10 weeks old but the attitude of the pups seem way more Papillon. Only months will tell if they get the long hair on the ears and body that make the Papillon such a handsome breed of dog. I know some folks don't like to see dogs mixed, especially pure breed dogs. I understand arguments from both sides. Papillons are not a common breed in the Philippines, actually not a very common breed in Korea. Took me quite awhile to find a reputable breeder and that was out of Seoul and I was in Daegu. So the chances to breed him are slim here. Second...everyone that has seen both our mix girl and our Papillon wanted a pup if they ever were bred. So finding them responsible, loving homes will not be an issue. Shawn
Thanks...they are super sweet too. One of the vets that see our dogs was out the other day to give them their first shots and really wants the smaller female pup so the wife and kids are sad as they realize only a few weeks from now the pups will be old enough to be going to their new homes. Shawn
Here is a picture of our Papillon and the mixed mother...not the best picture but hard to get one of them both next to each other unless they are sleeping. Shawn
Here is a good pic showing our Papillon, the mixed mother and a puppy playing together. I still think they look more Papillon with a similar attitude, smart when learning some basic commands but very difficult to house train. It is weird that we got our female mix from where she spent the first 6 months or so of her life in a cage but figured out to go outside for her business in a couple days but Papillons have the reputation of being hard to house break...these pups seem to follow that as well. Shawn
Just updating this one...attached is a pic of our Papillon and the last pup the day I left the PI to head to PR (has it been a month already?). One girl went to our vet, the other female to a customer of the vet; had the boy for a week or so after his sisters left. Really good pup. He went to his forever home right after I left (I think the wife delayed him going until I left). The wife keeps in touch with all the new owners and they are all so pleased to have the little gals and boy to be a part of their families. Shawn