Pat my friend, I am sure no one here thinks you are Boasting But please be careful, You know how these things can get talked about in the Street and rembering that Kumon was the same Gap filler but now as we know it is now a No No and I am sure you are well aware of how Chismis creates problems Specially for us (The Foreigner) It is Good to hear that you think enough of your Family to do this but............ we know where we are my Friend Good luck with it
Because Pat, any Face to Face classes have to Stop, I am sure you are aware of that or you would be sending your son still
If your wife has a university degree she can legally teach YOUR kids as per home schooling, as that is part of the requirements, but she cant teach the others (legally), if something goes wrong and a kid falls or something or other then its a different ball game, as with Chismis, plenty wont see it as its intended.............speaking from experience, we home school our 2 kids and have done for 4 years, and have been through all this before with the Dep.Ed, asking this and that questions, and if someone other than your kids joins then its all on you, if something goes pear shaped, if two kids start fighting or someone falls or trips, its all on you..............I wish you the best, just giving a heads up
Jack, if you read my posts on Kumon, you will see that Kumon is a pick up and delivery of worksheets. This has worked well. The public school system’s reputation here is well known, if that is what you are suggesting. The exception being Dumaguete Science school which I understands has an entrance exam.
Lol, my wife isn’t actually formally teaching these kids, merely refreshing some basics so don’t report her to the Deped.
Pat Picking up work sheets is Not Face to Face is it? My daughter spent 4+ years at Kumon and it was always Face to face, the exception was as you state any illness and such would be worked at Home as she does now with 3 papers a week via email from her University. Kumon was the best thing we ever did for her and helped 100% in passing the Science High Exam and attending there until K12 when she transferred to Silliman for a Course she wanted. All I am saying is be careful, Not here to fight at all but many have had and will have a Thought on this mate.