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Dirty greasy men

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by psouthan, Aug 3, 2008.

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  1. psouthan

    psouthan DI New Member

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    The other day I witnessed a dirty, greasy, low-life of about 65 trying to publically caress a waitress at Why Not, he probably thought why not indeed. I was very close to punching him, extremely close. I wonder where I would stand legally if I do in future resort to such tactics, a language these knuckle-head, abusing scum, might understand.

    Obviously, this is not really the way to intellectual approach this issue. I am after all in a foreign country but does this justify their actions? Clearly, to any educated, ethical, moral person the answer is obvious but we are not dealing here with educated people, we are dealing with disturbed dysfunctional people and please, for those who are greasy, before you lash out with your stabs in the dark, don't insult my intelligence and try to defend such behavior. This guy was lurching all over this young women who clearly didn't want to be touched by this filth of an old man.

    I am not going to stop all the abuse here and there is an awful lot of it. I am however, currently in correspondence with the BBC who have shown an interest in a documentary about the exploitation and abuse of women here. It would give me immense pleasure to watch those guilty of such actions being paraded in front of thousands of viewers. I wonder what their limp excuses would be?

    I am sure this subject has been broached before if anyone has information about such people I would be eager to learn about them and pass the information on to the BBC.
  2. barramac

    barramac DI Member

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    people that get immersed in a bar girl lifestyle, confuse their experiences with real people in real situations.
    the bit that i do not understand is how these people delude themselves, that they have james bond abilities.

    behaviour like this, is much more prominent in other se asian countries, thailand for one, has reacted very strongly both socially and politically, against all foreigners. so while anti social behavior, it could be a lot more prominent

    if u are interested in the topic of women exploitation - read sex slaves the trafficking of women in asia, by louise brown. well written, the author researched it well and i felt she gives a unbiased account. while only some data is reviewed about the philippines, it is pretty horrendous, some grubby old guy in why not, is the least of the philippino problems in this area
  3. kinhason

    kinhason DI Junior Member

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    Dirty Greasy Men

    No where should behavior described in Why Not be tolerated. If I ran Why Not I would protect my employees from patrons who act as this guy did.
    He is lucky that he didn't get a bloody nose,as apparently the waitress didn't really stress out to the point of a guy stepping in. Why Not has customers that should not be subjected see on its premises this kind of behavior.
    One can not solve the ills of this or of any society, however in a small way by condoning it only allows for greater abuses to be tolerated in my opinion.
  4. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Dirty Greasy Men
    Psouthan I think you mean Dirty old Man-not Men
    Not all men behave that way and it is not restricted to old men neither or foreigners
    The Philippine Goverment should learn the lessons from Thailand because any self respecting single "foreigner" would think twice before going there (Thailand) because of the behaviour of the few.
    It is a sad fact that a person frightened of losing their job will not object to bad behaviour
    (this might be the case).Pity you didnt ko the guy
  5. kuting

    kuting DI Junior Member

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    Dirty Old Men from the West.

    Dirty Old Men from the West.
    Uneducated scum bags from the West, wanted some attention that they are not getting where they came from.

    Aliens in my hometown known as “ Dumaguete, City of Gentle people” are just plain INSECURE predators.

    Western reporters are tired of covering this kind of issues already.

    - taga Cambagroy
  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I bet the girl could take care of herself and if not then the bar should take care of her. Does Ynot have bouncers?

    To answer the first part of your question, you never know what you might be getting yourself into. Avoid physical confrontation at all times and certainly do not start one. Especially in a foreign country.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    hmmm, when I saw the topic "dirty greasy men" I was quite sure you guys talk about me...

    on the other hand i must admit that in why not (depending on the day of the week) 50% are so called freelancers and the bar is very famous for that.

    That is part what the philippines are famous and many billion coming to this country exactly for that reason. You can be blindfolded, but the chocolate hills are not the reason why people coming from some thousand miles away. yes, some come for diving.....
    There would be no "sex-tourist" if your countrymen or in this case girls would not offer it. In Dumaguete are so many freelancers who are doing that for the quick peso and why not is famous for that.
    I was no witness of this situation, but knowing Duma quite well, the situation is not easy to believe for me. If the girl is a normal guest she has many friends there (no pinay/oy goes out alone or does not know many others). Or she was "on duty" but did not like the customer(hey get another "job")

    To the thread opener a privat advice. Don't get involved into anything like that, your days in the PI could be counted though...
    It is one call to the floor manager or a waitress there and the situation would have been over. My 2 cents after 7 years...

  8. kinhason

    kinhason DI Junior Member

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    Dirty greasy men

    The point is well taken that in any foreign country "any" physical or violent action made by a "visitor" can be interpited in may be the just the beginning of perhaps a period known as the worst part of one's life. Better to inform the management or keep reading and participating in forums like this one to learn the "lay of the land". Rhoody has pointed out specific information about Why Not and some of the employees extra hour activities.
    Thanks Rhoody for your input.
  9. ghost7

    ghost7 DI New Member Veteran Army

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    All 'Aliens'? Not that you're generalizing I'm sure. :rolleyes:

    There are 4 million filipinos here in the states most of them sending hundreds of millions of dollars back to relatives there; should we now be making general statements about them?
  10. OP

    psouthan DI New Member

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    Thank you for those who have replied. I was refreshed to see some of the comments. It is often easy to judge. It is often healthy to raise and reflect on incidents after they occur , especially when there is distance between the heat of the moment and the time of reflection. I think the type of people who do such things are typically psychologically damaged and, like I said dysfunctional. Untangling their functionality and root cause of their behavior is perhaps best left to the experts. Thank you for the reference to the book. I will look into it.

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