It makes sense for it to be illegal for the average person to move someone who so sick or injured that emergency services needs to be called. You don't know if there is internal bleeding, you could drop them and cause more damage, they may have other injuries that may cause irreversible damage if they are moved in the wrong way or you may contract a disease from them if you came into contact with their bodily fluids (this would be my main concern with the average expat drunkard in the Philippines).
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I am not an alcoholic and can and do drink occasionally. Unfortunately I have several very close relatives in the USA that are alcoholics. Some recovering, some not. I therefore feel obliged to put my two cents in. We don't know this fellow but there has to be some problem, be it alcoholism and/or with his self control, if he gets himself into such shape. He is the only one that can be truly blamed. However, Why Not is thoroughly to blame for his actions causing discomfort to others. In most of the world bars will cut you off if you get too hammered. They do this because of the legal liability they incur if they allow you to get drunk and you injure someone. We all know in the Philippines there is no realistic liability and therefore no incentive to control exposure to it. I am the Butt In type and I too would have had to have a word with whoever was in charge plus the guard before I left. Probably the manager when I returned also. I feel it is right to let them know that they should not allow this. Whether it is medication, food, alcohol, bad air, whatever, if you act like that some remedy needs to be forthcoming. Why Not needs to do better than that. Lastly, If I knew him I would definitely "dress him down" with much gusto when he sobered up, but everyone screws up and I could have done as bad or worse than what occurred in this incident.
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Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster
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Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
Oohh I forget, where I come from the also bring a doctor and equipment to save your life, even a helicopter if needed, and for free, lol. Why live in Philippines then ? Climate and girls are just great here,
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Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer
I don't believe in local news sites, they can be right, they can be wrong. God idea you need proof, you have money enough to take care of your self. There are coming to many Peter Vandever types the last years
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ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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There is a ton of negative things about immediate family and kin coming out of the woodwork, not to mention friends and such that make things interesting once someone has a "foreigner", a term I hate. Mileage will vary but at the end of the day the benefits of family has ended up being more positive than negative for us. Not ideal many times and after all these years I am still trying to understand things, which I doubt I ever will.
It would be cool to get some folks together, different backgrounds and such and do a guys b*tch session about all the unique things about being with a Filipina and what all that entails.
Also agree with JP's reply...had many conversations with him on some of the same things since I've known him.
I know this got away from the original post and would probably be better in another thread...
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Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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