Some advice please..............while driving around here I carry xerox copies of car registration, drivers licence and passport in case I am pulled up at a check point, but recently my partner was talking to her cousin who is a policewoman and was advised I should carry my original licence either local or Australian which ever I am driving on. From other souces I have been told just to carry a xerox copy.........and if carry original dont hand it over as might not get it back..........all suggestions welcom
REPUBLIC ACT No. 4136 ARTICLE I License to Drive Motor Vehicles Section 19. Duty to procure license. - Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act, no person shall operate any motor vehicle without first procuring a license to drive a motor vehicle for the current year, nor while such license is delinquent, invalid, suspended or revoked. The license shall be carried by the driver at all times when operating a motor vehicle, and shall be shown and/or surrendered for cause and upon demand to any person with authority under this Act to confiscate the same. I checked with my local Plod and it has to be the Original of all documents you should carry. Wish it could be better news for you but you know what mistrusting so & so's some people can be. JP