Dumaguete Info Search

dumaguete a MECCA for Expats?

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by JoeMabini, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Steve-M

    Steve-M DI New Member

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    Thanks, Dave & Imp. Some good points. Well considered. :smile:

    I'll be able to check it out again for myself in a few weeks time....end of October.

    Regards, Steve-M.
  2. Charlie

    Charlie DI Senior Member Restricted Account Veteran Coast Guard

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    Mecca ? All is not gold that glitters.
    Also the colleges like Silliman have a lot to do with it.
    Try the Subic area.
  3. NYC

    NYC DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    I can find Belgium on a map of the USA. But which Belgium? Illinois, West Virginia, or Wisconsin? :smile:

    Seriously, though, I know exactly where your country is, and have been there countless times with my work as an airline pilot. It's one of my favorite places to go.

    The rest of this is not directed necessarily at you, Firefly, but someone suggested these introductions and where we come from. Not only will is say where geographically I come from, I want to talk about where socially I am coming from and a little bit about "Why Dumaguete?"

    I must by law retire from my work in less than 4 years, and have pretty much settled on Dumaguete as the place I want to live. This thread has been very enlightening, and at times sobering. Having spent some vacation time in Manila, I thought the air in Dumaguete was pristine by comparison. And I doubt it's much worse than that where I now live in New York City. The week I was in Dumaguete, there was a near constant breeze which I found refreshing and probably kept the air quality at reasonable levels. Maybe it was just a seasonal thing (February)?

    I was very pleased with Dumaguete for the short time I visited there in February (my first and only time.) I loved the compactness of the city center, and the fact that I could walk into real countryside in about 30 minutes! I did notice plenty of "pale faces" like mine (especially sitting out front of 'Why Not' in the late afternoons!) In a few more years I may find myself pulling up yet another table to that conclave.

    I love being near the water, and the Boulevard walk is awesome. But I'm not a "beach person," so the lack of mile-wide, white sandy beaches is not a big factor for me. I plan on doing volunteer work to keep myself busy, and have a few leads on what I might be able to do. I may also pursue an advanced degree. Why? Just because I want to keep learning stuff, and not to "get ahead." Besides, education in the PIs is far less expensive than in the US, and with several universities from which to choose, I am certain I will find my course. Another reason I want to live in the Philippines is to finally remove myself from that "get ahead" rat race and enjoy my retirement on my own terms, in my own way, surrounded by Gentle People.

    Am I expecting paradise? No. But I am expecting an easier pace where my decimated pension will still allow me to live a comfortable life and be productive without worrying about where the next dollar, or peso, will come from.
  4. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    As a pilot, you may find things on a map that others don’t.:smile:
    If politics in Belgium will continue to unfold as they do now, the only Belgium you will find in the future will be in the USA.
    If Dumaguete is the perfect place? The future will tell, but Dumaguete becomes more expensive by the day.
    Even there is a gas station every 100 m or so, there is no price competition what makes gasoline 8 pesos/liter more expensive than Cebu.
    This high gas price reflects in consumption price as well.
    For school choice, no problem in Dumaguete with 4 well respected universities in the city.
    Enjoy your trip, and possible permanent stay in Dumaguete.
  5. Steve-M

    Steve-M DI New Member

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    Coming back to Dumaguete

    Well this is a very timely update to the thread…
    I'm coming back to Dumaguete tomorrow evening. I'll be there on Sunday morning and staying for one week.

    Part of this visit is to have some more experiences of the excellent scuba-diving in Duian.
    I hope I will also be able to arrange a visit to Silliman University on this trip… But I'm having some contact problems right now.
    And part of the trip is to make another assessment of whether I would like to move from China to here next September.

    I've been to a number of different places in the Philippines over the last 2 years. Right now Dumaguete is at the top of my list of places to consider staying. Not too big… Not too small. Easy access to nearby airport and ferries for getting to other parts in the Philippines.

    If any of the local residents subscribed to this List have got the time then I'd love to share a cup of coffee/beer with you one afternoon or evening and hear your views on what it's like living here. Please PM me.

    Regards, Steve-M.
  6. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Willing to meet


    I have some time until about Tuesday.

    Background: I am single, living on SS pension. I rent (do not have right to own). I have visited many areas looking to see if there was some place better for me, than Dumaguete. After one year I am still here. I am not a diver, so you may want to visit with a diver also. You may want to visit with a married man if you are married. There seems to be a few ladies here married to foreigners but the same foreigner are not married. Filapinas use wife whenever they want to it seems. Even my current gf of one month told a inquisitive sales lady we were married for 5 years, when she felt threatened by her questions regarding me. :rolleyes:

    Email: davidclosson46@gmail.com Please email me as you are a new user here and I do not think I can send you a PM.
