Dumaguete Info Search

dumaguete a MECCA for Expats?

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by JoeMabini, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. ramonsgil

    ramonsgil One Hit Wonder?

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    Hello everyone. I'm going to be in Dumaguete in late August to explore the possibility of moving there. I work virtually and want to see how feasible it is to run my business from Dumaguete.

    About me: Originally from Manila, moved to CA for HS and Univ. Moved to NYC for work, but after 18 years in the big apple, could use a change of pace. My parents retired in Tanjay after working in the US for 30 years. Used to spend summers as kid in Negros.

    I was wondering if anyone could shed some answers to the following:

    1. How reliable to high-speed internet and how much does it cost?
    2. How much would a three bedroom house or apt cost? (I like being able to walk everywhere but if the pollution is that bad, then would consider living outside downtown.)
    3. What kind of monthly budget do you think I would need to support a family (wife and 2 small kids) with school (private), food, car, cook/housekeeper, utilities, etc.?
    4. Are there events or associations geared towards expats or event just entrepreneurs?

    Any insight or general advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Defining High speed as "Basic Broadband" with data transmission speeds of at least 4 megabits per second, downstream (from the Internet to the user’s computer) and 1 Mbit/s upstream (from the user’s computer to the Internet), well, depending on the area, but 90% of the city: not available. outside the City : doubleNO

    starting 12k/month but more likely 20k+

    starting 80k-100k

    There are plenty of events catering towards expats : traffic-controls, visa extensions, any kind of application in whatever office, ect. :wink:
    ... all just want our best: :greedy:$ :D
  3. SidfromSydney

    SidfromSydney DI Member

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    To expand on Rhoody's comment re; expat acctivities.

    I have heard of planned or about to be planned,or talked about developments in Dumaguete now and in the future,

    Dumaguete Internation Motor Race Way, which is planning on hosting the 2015 F 1 event,

    50 storey casino and convention centre,

    Dumaguete Offshore Ocean Yacht Race Club Marina

    Parachuting and gliding at the Dumaguete International Airport

    just to name a few, otherwise sit around and drink beer
  4. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    +15 / 2
    That all must be going to be built on the newly constructed island accessible by the new monorail. :D
  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,234 / 1,090

    :eek: OK! So we stop Digging the Tunell then, No one tells us anything! :D

    Jack P.:smile:

    Attached Files:

  6. featherknife

    featherknife DI New Member

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    Lots of Mexican expats in southern California! Ha! Seriously, I think it's true that there are more in Dumaguete. The expat population is more in touch with each other here, that's for sure. Why? I think it's about as nice as it get's in the Philippines. Neck and neck with Puerto Princessa on Palawan. The difference is in Palawan you have to really watch that you don't get robbed by the monkeys!
  7. johnfitz

    johnfitz DI New Member

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    what has dumaguete to offer

    mm...i live a year here now, and amidst all the applause here at this site , it also has to offer one of the most polluted citycenters of the thirty countries i visited. the tricycles are a biblical plague here.
    Furthermore i just bought a gun for keeping it under my pillow because the chance of being robbed or killed here is , to say it moderately , statistically very high. ( and Yes : I was robbed already and yes my neighbour too) See also the message about the Australian killed one or two days ago and the thread about this which was quickly closed :eek: because there seem to be lots of guys here who only want to hear about the sunshine.
    ...and yesssssss: be happy, because the good news is : its still cheap here ( although prices are quickly rising) and in daily life a real friendly population .
    for the rest its still a riddle for me why Dumaguete seems to be so popular among expats/foreigners because , for instance , there are practically no beaches here.
  8. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    +38 / 0
    hi there,

    talking BS is always a nice intro.
    sorry mate, wrong number. it was closed after the original post and it's question was answered, the OP thanked for the info and it was requested to be closed after it was answered.BTW, it is still online and visible to reread if you don't believe

    So thanks in advanced for stop talking BS about what we do and things you have not the slightest clue.
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Johnfitz, perhaps the best answer is if you share why you live, given your views...
  10. johnfitz

    johnfitz DI New Member

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    no thanks ..:wink: and welcome ...it was already well known to me that is forum is a kind of a sovjet applause machine where the kanos do not like any critical outlook ...then instead of arguments its called " BS ' ..:wink:or : " why not go home if you dont like it here?" :D... so indeed nothing new.
    I think your site would be more served by discussion among people living here. And I think it would be more intelligent to come with arguments then "BS " etc
    PS : i know the thread is still there and I know people who want to deliver their comments still .