Dumaguete Info Search

Dumaguete the best City to live?

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by robin50, May 26, 2010.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,232 / 1,090
    Ron, I know that some may say, OH well, it had to jack to answer first. One this occasion I don't care, Well thought out post.

    Jack P.:smile:
  2. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +514 / 126
    Good on Ya Jack, here I go Haa Haa

    For all that live in the Dumaguete area and have posted on this thread, and for the benefit of others considering the move. I have a few simple question's.

    Overall are you happy with your decision to live here? Yes, very much, but when I was trying to sail around the world things happened that forced my decision. And still yes.

    If you had it to do all over again, would you change anything? Honestly no.

    Have your first impressions changed? Yes some but not for the bad

    What is the best thing you like about living here? Easy my family that I never had before

    What is the one thing that get's under your skin and wish would change? The dangers of the road at night.

    Have any of your personal habits changed? I think I have calmed down some. but drink more SMB every few days.

    When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel about the day you expect to have? Back when my money was worth more and things were cheaper I have to admit I felt better, but still have a good feeling.
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    +4,614 / 1,018
    This is an interesting post. I will add my feedback.

    Overall are you happy with your decision to live here? Very happy

    If you had it to do all over again, would you change anything? Not really, except I would have paid more attention to the building of my house, particularly the interior.

    Have your first impressions changed? No except I was naive in thinking the traffic would not get so bad in 20 months.

    What is the best thing you like about living here? Cost of living, wife is from here so she can see her family often.

    What is the one thing that gets under your skin and wish would change? My biggest pet peeve, having adjusted (accepted) the dynamics of driving here, are the bikes and cars with no tail lights on the south hiway between Dgte and Bacong.

    Have any of your personal habits changed? They are changing as we speak with the new baby :-)

    When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel about the day you expect to have? Great, another day alive and happy, and I love being retired
  4. PangitPilot

    PangitPilot DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 0
    Good Post Ron

    For all that live in the Dumaguete area and have posted on this thread, and for the benefit of others considering the move. I have a few simple question's.

    Overall are you happy with your decision to live here? YES, wish I had done it a lot sooner

    If you had it to do all over again, would you change anything? Absolutely Not, for me this is Heaven compared to other places in the Phiilippines

    Have your first impressions changed? No, There are still almost no Jeeps. People are friendly, the city spends money on its roads, Boulevard is still a great place to chill out.

    What is the best thing you like about living here? Better than Average Schooling for my Daughter, compared to other places in the Philippines, I can ride a bike without being scared, I do not have to have my daughter escorted to school, I do not need a security guard

    What is the one thing that get's under your skin and wish would change? Power Outages/Crappy Internet

    Have any of your personal habits changed? I stay at home a lot more and enjoy my family. I drink a LOT less than I used to

    When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel about the day you expect to have? If my toilet flushes properly the first time, it will be a great day. If not, go back to bed. Otherwise, very relaxed and looking forward to what the day will bring.
  5. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +8 / 0

    I can think of a lot of other places I'd like to visit but can't think of any place I'd rather live.
  6. designer

    designer DI New Member

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    About the market how do you get a pitch there (tea money)? Or only family members allowed to trade ?
    Not enough traders to alter the voting much.
  7. sirmoori

    sirmoori DI Junior Member

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    I originally posted about the market as an example of corruption here. I know nothing about how to get a stall etc. Ask the Administrator is my suggestion. As to votes, do the maths, tenant traders their families, suppliers etc and you reach a considerable number add that to the surplus trikes, abuse of National Law by GT Express and you arrive at a very high figure to ensure that the status quo of power never changes.
    Corruption need not be just fiscal it is also moral and ethical and in many shades of grey, it is in most countries sadly the Philippines has slipped badly down the International Transparency list.
    For Evil to succeed Good Men stand aside.
  8. Keith

    Keith DI New Member

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    A 74 year old pensioner like myself wanting to move to Dumaguete with my Filipino wife of 25 years with a purse of around PHP 26million and a pension of $AU25000 per year would I be able to live comfortably after buying a house there?
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

    Trophy Points:
    +4,614 / 1,018
    Firstly, welcome to the forum.
    In a word, yes. You are fortunate and will live as comfortable as you wish. You can buy or build or rent inexpensively of lavishly, depending on what you want. Your pension is enough to live on for two of you and you will not have to use much of your substantial purse to settle in. You can have a look at some of the realtor web sites to get an idea on prices.
    Suggest you might want to not make known your identity, given your financial status has been made public. Good luck and enjoy the good life.
  10. Keith

    Keith DI New Member

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    Thank you very much for the information it is much appreciated. There is one other thing that I am anxious to know and that is are there any retired people around the 55 to 80 year olds living in Dumaguete that I would be able to converse with in say cafe's or bars every day over a few drinks.