So what is the biggest pain point going 9 days and counting with no Noreco power? For us, clearly no refrigeration or freezer is the worse, for many logistical reasons.
Got power and tv yesterday and Internet today so back to normal for a while seems around here it was shallow rooted mango trees that caused most of the problems.
Still no power in our area of Sibulan. We have checked the line all to way to the road (which does have power) and the lines are fine. They are working our area and we have contacted the numbers posted above but they can not help you. They will just give you another number. Those bozos will tell you they have a work order to connect you but nothing happens. Even a face to face at the office does no good. My wife finally got another number to the work crews and they said they knew noting about any of the supposed work orders to connect us. We have generator that will run the ref and lights several hours a day. However, it doesn't not have enough power to run the water pump that supplies our house. Its getting pretty gamey around here. Hope someone grows a brain at NORECO soon. Sorry for the venting but we are very frustrated with NORECO.
Noreco put the power pole and lines back up on my street and reset my transformer. They ran out of time and said they would come back in the morning and reset the orphanage across the street from me, but they never came back. I suggested to the Brother who runs the orphanage to go to Noreco; he said he did but no relief. There is a generator at the orphanage
Do you have electricity yet, or is Santa Claus going to bring it this year? Is there a transformer between you and the road? Maybe that's the problem. I really feel for you man. We were without for 5 days, and that was bad enough. I would be extremely frustrated if I was in your situation. Maybe you should draw NORECO a map to your place? I can take you to the house of the main director of NORECO if you want. He lives in Dumaguete and I've been to his house. Luzon, or Cebu??
Greg, we were fortunate to get our power back Friday night, internet Sunday. They put the Noreco pole up and lines up in 1 1/4 hrs and reset my transformer. I will buy a generator - lessons learned.
Glad to hear it! :D You're going to need it to use your electric snow blower when Santa lands in your driveway! :D