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Exit Clearance Best Posts in Thread: ECC Exit Clearance

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The one in the hallway near Dumaguete immigration. Attached are all the contact numbers i have acquired for them throughout the years. The "Driver" number is the most recent entry, she was the one that did the last pickup for me but I'm pretty sure all the numbers will get you a reply from someone.

    For any visa renewals that can be handled locally the cost has always been P1k, and that includes picking up and dropping off my passport/requirements/payment to my residence in Valencia. It's completely hands off and i haven't stepped foot in immigration in years. Well worth the 1k. IMO.

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  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I got my exit clearance (nearly 3 years on a tourist visa) earlier this month with 3 days to spare before my departure date. I opted to have the visa assistance agency do it for me for P5k (expedited service). They picked up my passport in Valencia same day i requested and had it back within 48 hours. If you delay, you pay. 5k seemed fair for what they did to get that paper for me.

    You can do it yourself if you like. That will cost you around P500 to P1.5k, depending on the type of exit clearance you need from what i read. But that will require you to travel to Cebu, Manila or Davao, which will run the total cost up around 3 to 4k unless you travel, live and eat like a local. They do not do exit clearances in Dumaguete or Bacolod from my understanding. I do not think long stay tourists can avail the airport ECC (some will tell you you can, others have expensive horror stories to tell...the actual rules depend on how immigration is interpreting their rules this week and if the officer at the airport feels like doing their job/showing up/is in a good mood). Pick your poison, all have a price to pay.
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  3. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Some recent experience (went to Cebu to get my ECC clearance yesterday)

    I went to the Dumaguete BI office first, to make sure I would bring the correct documents to Cebu.
    That was a bad idea. The list of "requirements" they have at the Dumaguete office is completely wrong.
    It mentions copies of this, that and the kitchensink, none of which turned out to be needed.
    It also mentions five 2x2 pictures, you need only three.
    It does not mention to bring a printed copy of your flight ticket, but I was asked for one.
    I was told at the Duma office that it would take 5 days, which turned out to be not true.

    So here are my tips to increase your chances of getting your ECC in one day.
    1. Bring your passport, three 2x2 pictures, and a copy of your plane ticket out of the country.
    2. Be at the Cebu BI office as early as you can; it gets a lot busier in the afternoon, plus there is a 2 p.m. cut off time for accepting ECC applications. We took the 6 am fastcraft boat from sibulan, were at JCenter Mall just before noon, it wasn't really busy yet at the BI office. I would probably have walked out with my ECC within an hour or so, but because of the missing copy of the flight ticket we needed more time. When I returned to the BI around 1:30 p.m. it was already a lot busier.
    3. Be polite and kind, but explain that you travelled from quite far to get to Cebu and that it would be very awkward if you need to return there just to pick up the ECC.
    4. The fee has been increased to 700 Php (plus 10 peso for legal costs or something); don't offer to pay more to hurry things up, you may insult the person you are making such offer to. No other fees.
    5. Note: I'm on a tourist visum, longer than 12 months in the country, no problems with previous visum extensions whatsoever and I have a valid ACR-card. My experience may be of some help to you, but possibly not if your situation is different.
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  4. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    There are 2 types of ECC, A and B.
    The list you quoted in your post refers to the ECC-A
    With a 13a visa you do need an ECC, but as long as you intend to return to the Philippines you need to get an ECC-B.
    Application form is found at this link It's just a form to print and fill out though, no online application.
    Other requirement is a valid ACR I-card.
    According to this website, an ECC-B can be gotten at the departure airport. In your shoes I would verify with the BI Dumaguete that this is correct.
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  5. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    If you have been in the country on a 9a "Tourist Visa" for 6-12 months you CAN get your ECC at the Airport. You recieve it on the way to the gate, after checking your bag(s) and recieving your boarding pass, usually no more than 3 hours before takeoff. Here is my low production quality Video showing how/where at NAIA Terminal 3.

    The 72 hour wait for getting an ECC in advance of departing the country is suggested, not mandatory, lead time. It can take that long to recieve it but doesn't always take that long. Planning on getting it faster, even if BI has been issuing same day recently, is taking a risk of missing a flight. Once the advance ECC is issued it is 'active' immediately and good for 30 days.

    I am constantly amazed by people who post 'facts' about something they have never tried - contradicting others with personal experience, and confusing the crap out of those asking for help. If you don't know, Don't Answer. If you 'have' to answer, qualify your answer with 'I think', 'I have heard', 'I am not sure butt'.....
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  6. Brendan

    Brendan DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    My experience of obtaining an ECC at Cebu BI yesterday , ( 22nd May 2018 ) I’m on a tourist visa with an ACR-I card. >6 months < 12 months.

    We Arrived at the BI at 11am , the guy at the desk on the right as you enter took 3 Photos that I provided and attached them to an application form which I then duly filled out.
    This was then taken back to the same guy for him to check that all the information was correct on the completed form.

    He then directed me to window 1 where the completed form and passport where handed over, I was then given a number and told to wait to be called for payment, 5 minutes later I was called to the payment window, P500 paid.

    I was told then to wait for someone to call my number to Collect the ECC.
    I asked how long this was likely to take and was told 3-4 hours as they were busy.

    We returned after 2 hours and the ECC was ready to Collect.

    At no point was I asked for my ACR-I card or the copy, I was also not asked to present copies of my passport or the official receipt of my last visa.

    My experience may not be the same as
    yours, so I would advise to always take the original and a copy of the documents mentioned above.
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  7. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    That is kind of what I was getting at. The BI officers have discretion to do what they want with people just because they feel like it, there is no standard AND there guys complaining about treatment even though they may have asked for it through their behavior. OR there seems to be too much leeway for BI officers to be a-holes (not that they all are) AND there is no way to know if an expat complaining about visa issues was actually treated unfair or is lucky they didn't get deported. There are extremes on both sides.

    Anyway, we are back from our Hong Kong trip. Everything was smooth on my wife's end, handed BI officer in NAIA terminal #3 our marriage certificate and our passports. He asked why our surnames were different and my wife said she didn't have her new passport yet (should be ready tomorrow). So he stamped her passport and stamped by Balikbayan..... woops, nope, decided since our passports didn't match yet he would give me tourist visa.... back to the a-hole thing above. Yes it is a privilege, no he had no real reason to deny me other than not liking to read a marriage certificate instead of matching passports. Want to go chew some a** but it wouldn't due any good as it won't get changed, it is a privilege not a right, all I would do is dig a hole and make us all look bad.
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  8. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I am also a permanent resident. Ever time I leave the country the BI collects about P2270 (or so). Part of that fee is an ECC plus a bunch of random charges.
    I pay at the airport. No need to make a special trip to the BI for the ECC. The ECC is charged wether I have been in the country for 2 weeks or 2 years.
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  9. Obliged Friend

    Obliged Friend DI Forum Adept Veteran Army

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    Arrived Manila yesterday via Cebu Pacific from Dumaguete. Plane landed terminal 3, after a short ride to the terminal I made my way to the Walkway on the 5 floor. I had previously booked a room at the Belmont hotel. The hotel is at the end of the walkway.

    After an uneventful night I checked out early the next morning, expecting a crowd at immigration. It was 0600..I had my Air Asia boarding pass already in Dumaguete.

    Immigration was less than 10...minutes. Only a carry on bag.

    The Buffett breakfast at the Belmont is 400 pesos. It opens at 0600..there’s a 24 hour McDonalds next to the Walkway and hotel.

    International flights are risky if there’s inclement weather in Dumaguete.

    This morning it was hurry up and wait...just like in the army. Going to Kota Kinabalu for one night. Will stay at the Jesselton hotel.

    This visa run...was a little expensive, but it was 3 years ago my last departure.

    Lots and lots of tall, high end, eye candy walking in the vicinity of the Belmont.

    There’s other hotels near the Walkway but the Belmont is the closet.
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  10. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Update just here and shorts and nice t shirt okay
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