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Best Posts in Thread: Every restaurant owner needs to make their staff watch this video!

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    If you are going to be a critic, you have to be able to take criticism. Works both ways. Not everyone is going to agree with you.
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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    If it's such a great idea why don't you open a hospitality school here. You wouldn't be able to feed your dog on what you would earn. I personally wouldn't tell the expat restauranteurs how to run their business, as they have years of experience and know the limits of their staff and demands of their customers. The main consideration here is price and rice. This is not Manila, this is a backwater, which is slowly being dragged into the 21st century. I for one complain sometimes about poor training and service, but then have to remind myself why I live here and how little the staff earn. When I go to a restaurant I always give a decent tip, the staff always remember me and the service and attention I get is commensurate with the tip I give and my thanks for their hard work. Just accept that you will not be able to change anything, filipinos are happy with their lot.

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  3. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    I have run a business here for over 20 years and i tell you its not easy.. Constructive criticism is not taken lightly here and a lot of the locals take it the wrong way.. I have tried many times to get a waitress to be sure she asks the customer how he wants his eggs,, sunny side up,, over easy , scrambled or poached.. Most filipino"s don't eat fried eggs and if they do its sunny side up. So you get a wrong order and go thru the process again and the waitress gets upset and tomorrow doesn't show up for work,,, i have had this with waitress's, cooks, chamber maids etc..""This sure as hell isn't Kansas.
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  4. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I watched the entire video and after starring at this girls eyes, I got dizzy. Frankly which eye am I suppose to look at! In the West a server can make $200
    dollars US a day, even if they have crap skills. In the Philippines they might make $8 to $15 dollars a day and someone expects them to jump through hoops??
    Can't fix things from the bottom up. They must be fixed from the top down. For what they get paid..... congrats out to all service employees of the Philippines. You
    give out much more than what your paid for and no-one in the West would do the jobs you do for such a low pay. I tip always, and when you come back to the place you tip at, you get not only better service but make many friends on a leveled mutual respect basis. Kudos out to anyone that goes to work in the Philippines FOR PEANUTS.
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  5. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    There are only a handful of places in Dumaguete that me and the wife go to, which is probably places we've liked due to service, food and/or atmosphere over the years. I do have to admit though that we usually get decent service most places we frequent, plus if a waitress is missing the wife will track them down and if our order seems to be taking longer than she thinks it should she will follow up with them on the status. Like most places though, if it is busy with a number of customers we expect that it will take longer for our order and harder to find a waitress.

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  6. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I still contend that if you open up a dialog of sorts and tip well, you should get great service in the Philippines. That has been my full experience and I commend all the servers I know and consider them great at what they do.
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  7. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I like dining in the US because I get a good bit of entertainment from it. When I go in a restaurant and get seated and the waitress comes to the table I preempt her and say hello, I am Robert and I will be your customer tonight. I hope I can provide you with an enjoyable work experience.:biggrin:

    When I get fast food at a drive thru, I sometimes like to end my order with : And can you make that to go?

    The OP's video showed a wait style that would not make me happy. I can understand asking about appetizer because that will be first order of business if you are going to get it before your meal comes but asking me about desert at any time except after the meal and asking more than once is going to earn the pained look. Most people I know would have said that waitress was doing a crap job. If you are going to the table you look before you go to see if anyone needs a refill and bring it unasked. While at the table, if you see an empty plate or glass, Take it with you when you leave. I like places where they do the zone thing. It may not be your table but if you have time, haul an empty plate or glass away or tell the tables server that X at the table needs a refill. The video also didn't mention working places that served alcohol. I would go have lunch with my brother while we discussed business and he would have six beers while we were there. His beer cost more than my premium steak and he ate too. Young/ cute and female, work in a restaurant that serves beer.

    My favorite restaurant (US) one time the waitresses collided trying to see who would get to wait on me. Then they both waited on me. One of them told me I was being treated like a king. I told her I was being treated better than a king because you serve the king because you have to, you are serving me because you want to. The food wasn't expensive there but I left a $5 tip if it were just me, more if I took others there as I frequently did. My mother ate there once and left her wallet with $1400 in it. They wanted to give it to me but I told them to hold it for her and gave her a call. Mom wanted to give them a reward and they didn't want to take it. I asked them to accept it as a personal favor to me and they relented. The owner sold the place and the food wasn't as good. The wait staff wasn't as good and the place closed a year after.
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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    This is a restaurant franchise called "Dicks Last Resort".....it is a novelty restaurant where you and the waiter/waitress get to be the biggest "dicks" you want to be (get where the name comes from? :wink:). The first time I went in this chain I was clueless to what it was and while waiting to be seated a waitress yelled over to me and said, "Hey d*mbass, you just going to stand there or you going to take a seat? Waiting on you! (big eye roll)". If you go to this restaurant you better bring your trash-talking "A" game because the staff get a whole lot of practice at being pricks and have probably heard every thing you can bring to the table at least 10 times that day. The staff will be extremely rude (as shown in the video) and tear you apart....but it's all part of the game. (Tip: Go to a bank and get $15 bucks in pennies to leave as a tip. And FFS, look at the menu online and know what you are going to order before you go in there! Not that they don't have some nasty sh*t to say about everything you could possibly order. :hilarious:)

    Dick's Last Resort

    Edit: Correction, this is not Dicks Last Resort....it's a chain in Chicago that offers the same "experience" as Dick's. Apparently this theme of restaurant isn't as rare as one might think in the US. Either way, the staff's attitude is all part of the "show".
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    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DI Member Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    No disagree here strongly.

    Regularly eat breakfast at Gabies above Max chicken. The service is as bad as it gets, I always tip well and makes not a spot of difference. Even this am the toast arrived with small butter and jam. No utensils except for the coffee tea spoon.

    Waitresses NEVER come to tables to check so I went in and politely asked if I am expected to spread my butter, jam with this tea spoon. YES SIR that's what we do here. Eventually they bought out a large spoon and fork and guess what a knife.

    Why do I keep returning......great internet, nice views and lovely cool breeze. Service well slightly different.
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  10. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    I cannot think of a case where giving unsolicited opinions and advice is considered helping anyone else. I see it as the writer's need to rant, which is fine. I rant myself on occasion, I just don't pretend its to "help other people".

    Why would anyone need to boot you? Do you realize that the little "x" in the top right will take you out of the forum? I just call it like I see it. :clown:

    Getting serious for a minute, reading your reviews is a pleasant experience until you start getting upset if someone doesn't agree with you. I would not enjoy seeing anyone leave the forum just because their opinions are negative, so long as they are honest and not libelous. I hope you continue to share your opinions.
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