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EVs - ICE is dead

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Garcia, May 1, 2023.

  1. Garcia

    Garcia DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +322 / 129
    I think most of us know that ICE is history, well unless you're 75+ just saying. Does anyone drive one, China has an amazing variety of choices, BYD being one of their biggest brands. These cars are simply computers on wheels, faster than the polluting dinosaurs before. With long distance being hardly imperitive in the PI there even more doable beneficial. Charge at home solar or grid. Old blokes here going to struggle ha ha....especially if I dare mention net zero....

    Legecy brands at serious risk, once again China ahead of the curve, for further reading, Google Rare Earths, batteries, Elon Musk.