Yeah. Been there, done that. Got the screen shot to prove it. Sorry you got stuffed up but that was then. This is now. You are spreading Fake News. Here is screen shot.
"Spreading Fake News"..punishable by imprisonment and/or fines these days..better watch what you all say.. Not to be taken lightly!
So I am supposed to call my consulate and ask them what the Philippine Exit Clearance policy is? Answer will be of course "Ask the Philippine Bureau of Immigration, we don't have any control over it"! Or am I supposed to ask my consulate what happened when I left the Philippines last December and got my Exit Clearance at NAIA? Answer will be of course "How do we know, you are the one that left"! Or maybe I should ask you if you read my post you are commenting on. The answer will be of course "No, I am making a comment that answers a question I made up and has nothing to do with your experience in December". Do a little leg work and read my post about my experience months - not years ago like yours- Then post here what you found out.!!!
I think we should only post about our own personal experiences (or with information that can be verified/sourced) and avoid telling other people what they experienced, what they meant by their post or that they are wrong. I can't tell you how many times I have heard completely different and conflicting stories on the ECC over the years. Although, much of that confusion comes from people holding different types of visas that have different exit requirements. Immigration laws seem to be interpreted differently by every single guy that is put in charge of Immigration. You're interpretation of the law is completely irrelevant. Only Immigration's interpretation matters and that interpretation does change from time to time....and without any/much notice to the public. If you have been in the Philippines for awhile (around 6 months or more) it is best to go to immigration in Dumaguete and (politely, respectfully and with a smile) speak with the officers there to find out what exit requirements come with the type of visa you are on. Don't think that because you did it a certain way before that it will be the same the next time. I know people don't like to accept change but you have to be able to adapt in the Philippines if you want a chance for things to go even remotely smooth/painless.