You will have to travel from Bohol to Cebu to get it done. At the top of this page, click Forum. Then scroll down and click Expat section. Then scroll down some more to the thread of Procedure for an Exit Clearance Certificate. All the details are there.
Clearance Yes, you get a clearance in Cebu, and it takes about 2 hours. Cost 300 pesos for the notary, and another 500 for the exit clearance. It only lasts 1 monrh
Thanks for the info. Been doing more reading, seems most people are saying 2-5 hours in Cebu. So how do you know it is valid for 1 month? Is there expiration date on paperwork?
I was personally introduced to the lawyer from immigration here in Dumaguete. He said it only last for 1 month. Hope this is of some use to you
That's good news. Back in May/June I read something about being valid for only 3 days, and had to be done in Manila. Being valid for 30 days and getting it done in Cebu is much better deal
I was introduced to the chief lawyer for immigration at his private residence ( Atty. Abilon ), who informed me that an exit clearance is valid for 1 month, and no longer. On leaving the Philippines, I paid 550 pesos, and no more.
Wouldn't it be great if they would just put all of their BS fees onto one statement and just let us write them a check once a year?
Foreign Sucker in Residence Tax = How much you got?....Send it all! This new tax is due and payable on every day that ends in Y and also in every month name that has at least one vowel. You may it all once a year by sending your ATM Card, VISA, MC and checkbook to our office which is located in the purple Jeepney behind the fourth coco tree opposite the third streetlight on any Tuesday evening between 12:00AM - 2:00AM. Ask for Lennie.