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Health & Wellness Experience at Holy Child Hospital

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by simple mind, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Perhaps this is the most important thread on DI. We can all compare eating establishments but (apart from food-poisoning due to poor hygiene) there is nothing more important for us all to know than which hospital to choose and which doctors to avoid.
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  2. Randyb

    Randyb DI Member Blood Donor

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    Sorry to say I did NOT have a positive experience at Holy Cross. My advise is, if it is a serious illness that requires advanced diagnostic equipment, go to Cebu doctors hospital. They simply do not have the equipment here, but will not tell you that.
  3. Pompolino

    Pompolino DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    April 2016 I was badly mauled by an askal and was taken to Holy Child (I was in no condition to make any decisions) and had excellent treatment. I had to return home for further treatment (MRI and potential microsurgery). The specialist at home stated that the treatment I received had been very good, though dated - he said he would have done things differently but certainly 5 years earlier his treatment would have been identical.
    Apart from some scaring I have no remnant issues and therefore thank people involved in the work done. I do think it is down to what exactly is the problem and the individual medical practitioner by whom you are treated .
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  4. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Sounds like you are saying Holy Child is experienced at dealing with askal maulings, and yet they still roam around everywhere. Maybe they should all be culled, but then Holy Child would not get that kind of practical experience. :clown:
  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    My experience is that even a doctor here will use methods more modern than another local doctor, so choice of doctor is crucial. That is why I am willing (by PM only) to suggest a local doctor I would NOT use under ANY circumstances (and that includes if the alternative is to die).

    Your posting has also made me remove the complacency I have had towards roaming dogs - in spite of being very aware of endemic rabies - in that I even bought dog food (which they would not eat!) and try to feed them on scraps. I have to be far more wary now.

    I am pleased your terrible experience has not created any lasting problems.
  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Everything I have read on this site concurs with your advice to go to Cebu for good health treatment.

    When the Primary hospital here does not even provide a nurse with a device to measure a patient's height (a cheap tape measure is better than zilch), then things are truly very bad.
  7. Plainspoken

    Plainspoken DI Forum Adept

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    There is really not much to discuss about health care in the Philippines. I have been treated at Chong Hua in Cebu as an outpatient and as an inpatient at Silliman here. Both hospitals used 1950's US equipment, 1980's methods, and charged 1950's US prices. At Silliman they gave me a choice of a private room in the new building or the old building and were very accommodating. Contrary to one post elsewhere on DI, they do provide personal items to the patients, however, you have to ask for the "Convenience Pack", and you have to pay for it, just like in the USA. Difference is in the USA they just give it to you and put it on the bill. Here they are surprised you are willing to pay the 2 or 300 for the items. I had a good experience at both facilities, possibly due to having very cooperative Dr's. Some expats have found Dr's whose treatment they are delighted with but for the most part it will prove out that this is a Third World Country, with Third World facilities, and Third World training for Dr's and nurses. I have a couple of Dr's that I rely on for meds and I get my blood work at Precision in Cebu, they are owned by LabCorps in the USA and their work seems to be ok. I get a full blown, all the bells and whistles physical once a year in the US. If I feel pain, I get on a plane. I have had a couple of illnesses here that the Dr's could not cure so I returned to the US and got proper treatment. One visit required a hospital stay. I know that I may have an accident or some unforeseen trauma but I do what I can to minimize my risk. I know that some on this forum have had life saving experiences with the medical treatment here and I applaud that. The reality is, however, that those stories are the exception rather than the rule. Sorry to reiterate but it is a Third World Country. Tuberculosis and rabies, (often from rat bites), are still common here and the medical training, care and treatment are way, way down the list in any world ranking you want to look at. I would say to try to protect your health and have an exit plan if you develop a problem. Your body often gives you warning. Last tip. I did fly once with a noncommunicable disease that still caused fever. If you have fever don't fly through Tokyo as they scan your forehead to see if you have fever and if you do you will be detained. Good health and luck to all, including myself. Stay aware and safe.
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  8. canoer

    canoer DI New Member

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    I don't know.
    My daughter was born at Silliman 16 months ago. Our experience there was positive. While the place did look like something out of the 1950's we felt the care given during labor and the birth was very good. The waiting conditions left a lot to be desired, but I had to sit there a long, long time. From the time we arrived until taking the baby home was just over 1 day.
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