Not sure if Europeans or Aussies use the term 'chicken sh*t' like Americans casually do? My dog freaks out when a loud pedicab or bike goes by the road in front of our house so I told wifey our puppy is a chicken sh*t. She says you mean dog sh*t? I said no, haven't you heard of CS before? Neither her or her sister living with us had. So she asked me to explain why the term is used for someone scared or nervous? I told her it is used all the time but she asked how it fits. So, I thought about it and, d*mn, don't really know why it is used or how it fits, just one of those many slangs that are taken for granted and we inherited (my mom probably called me CS a few times maybe that is why it automatically comes out of my mouth). On my road chickens cross the street when they see me coming then speed up, maybe that it is origin. Any of you have a wife that understands CS? Anyone know the origin? I know, not a great topic so please ignore if it doesn't ring your bell.
"Chicken sh*t" can also be used to describe something as tiny, insignificant, or meddling. It's a very useful word! :o
Chickens generally sh*t when there scared hence Chicken sh*t! Ever been to a cockfight? First good slice and the other one if not both sh*t
OH 1 Good 1 Bad! According to Google and the English Dictionary of Phrases, Chicken sh*t is well used in the US and UK. 1. Unimportant and /or useless information. 2. Coward. Jack P.
Any of you have a wife that understands CS? All I know is half the time my wife doesn't understand me! Joke na lang.
We use it alot here (Australia)....for us its more like asking for a DARE or to be SCARED of something.....
One of many colorful terms that we have to spend a lot of time explaining to our mates.. a couple more.. "The horn blows, how about the driver?" - I once said this to a VIP - Very Important Parent while picking up our daughter at school. "Camel Toe" - That took some explaining Of course they schooled me too.. Her sister told me when I first got here that when you go to a store and pay the cashier and it is a female that when she gives you the change you say "Salamat, Boho Ka Bilat"! We still laugh about that one!
Chocolate Kettle! I referred to our dog as being as "Useless as a Chocolate Kettle" Now THAT did, take some explaining! Jack P.