Fortran Ha. I don't remember the language anymore but I do remember a couple of things: 1) Never drop your pile of punch and 2) write a number on each card so you put them back in order after you drop them.
Cobol was for the business boys and girls. My course was Electrical Systems. The Fortran part was just to teach us to make flowcharts and write supporting programs with all the evil syntax stuff.
Not an expert on this subject, but I did a course once where we were taught Pascal > ran the prog through the compiler and found about 200 errors > checked it and found a comma out of place > corrected that one error and the prog ran through the compiler with no errors. But clearly many experts on here - so if the next big crisis facing the world is humans being infected by computer viruses, we will know who to ask. Just be prepared for a slew of people contradicting you!