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Utilities & Mobile Faster Internet speed in the Future? Oh Yeah.

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by Dave & Imp, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Happy to take a guess. In about 3-4 years it will be offered in a lighter package to Cebu and Davao in very specific areas. After that it will stop going anywhere else. They want to keep the rich happy as those are the ones with power to change things and those more likely to complain in a big voice. They know the middle and little guys which are most of the rest of the country will just sit quiet and accept it and without Manila support especially in forcing upgrades which won't be coming as Manila already got theirs no one with power to change anything will care.

    Hence the rest of us will be stuck on crap internet we have now for the next 4-5 years and then maybe that 3Mpbs will be bumped to 5Mbps for the same rate.

    The truth is though that if they fixed their routing abuses they could technically bump every one of us up tomorrow to 7-8Mbps and the Philippines lines could handle it quite easily. Infact the Philippines lines can already handle a fair bit more then that w/o bogging down. However they would need to purchase more bandwidth on international lines that connect to the Philippines. Their profit margin *might* drop a few percent at worst.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    3 years ago I had, 8 PLDT internet landlines, due to unsatisfactory service it went to 4 lines with 8mbps(bipolar speed) that cost 3,607.25/month each line. Now, my contract with them has to end, finally!.

    Last month, I have requested SME connection but no one came to say hello. And so today, I applied PLDT ULTERA- cost 2,300/month. I told the salesclerk that I am an unhappy consumer that pays a monthly bill more than 15k. I told her that I know she will be very happy if I disconnect all my PLDT internet lines, and I know that nobody gives a sh..t in any kind of sh...t I want!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

    My game plan is; I am taking this new 10mbps ULTERA sh..t, then I will have 100mbps TELSTRA maybesh..t and I will keep and die with 1 PLDT endlessSh.t.:hurting::hurting::hurting:
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Well I'm kinda happy PLDT never showed up to install the internet now. Globe still sucks though.
  4. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I still say PLDT is the best around here while very pathetic its far better then Globe. I wouldn't get anything beyond the basic 3Mbps plan though (999 plan) as they do NOT give precedence to those with bigger packages which means when internet is congested during peak times 5pm-2am weekdays and 24 hours a day weekends) your 10Mbps plan will still get you the same crap that a person with the basic plan gets. Only difference is when they aren't congested you can download/stream whatever faster.

    I actually wanted to upgrade at a time and tried to actually record one of their CSRs saying that if I got a bigger package my minimum speed would also increase equally along with having my traffic get precedence over the rest but I couldn't get them to ever say it out of many times trying. But they claim your min download speed is 0.5Mbps for the basic 3Mbps plan, the 5, 8, and 10Mbps plans have the exact same minimum of 0.5Mbps tied to it.... which btw is at an 80% working timerate per what they say.
    • Informative Informative x 1