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Filipinas told "Don't scam foreigner husbands"

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by shadow, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. einoj

    einoj DI New Member

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    What's wrong with this thread?

    So, I didn't know we visit forums to correct each other's grammar and spelling errors. I mean that's okay if the objective is to enrich another's knowledge, but if it's riddled with spite/hostility it is just juvenile/childish/immature.

    Just saying.
  2. einoj

    einoj DI New Member

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    Let's be objective here. From what I read so far, Brian's attitude or thoughts about the legal system is because of a negative experience. I understand it and take no offense because I know I'm nothing like the "bad apple" gf he had that brought him trouble.

    I advise you though not to generalize too much because not everyone who works for/with the government are all subjective -- this is true in every country. I know that not everyone is good, but that doesn't mean the opposite is true.

    I don't have anything against men, nor women, what ever their race may be. I could only hope that issues arising from inter-cultural relationships (mainly foreigners and pinays) are resolved with proper investigation and whoever is in the wrong would be dealt with appropriately. Though, if it it is proven that the foreigner is mistreating his pinay gf/wife he should suffer the consequences, whether it be jail or deportation. If it is proven that the pinay is making up stories and false accusations, she has to be dealt with, too.

    Now the responsibility to investigate fall on the bureau, so I could only hope that the taxes I pay are getting things done right.
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    While my dog was taking me for a walk this afternoon, I got thinking about T's posts on this thread and the other thread now made controversial. It appears she wants to poke Brian in the eye because he made some strong comments after apparently getting screwed big time and ended up in jail. We are not hear to judge Brian; he was sharing his experience, albeit a negative one, for lessons learned for others to consider so why pick a fight with him? Unless, it creates an excitement for her to ring his bell and generate troll-like posts? If that is the case and she continues, she will continue to get hammered. So T, please take a step back and lighten up and post some interests which others will enjoy and no personal attacks. I am sure you have some positive and valuable experiences you can share. Thank you.
  4. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    how can a foreigner proove him or self her ?? as many have already said in this forum the court system says just trouble maker foreigners
  5. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    woops I made a typo better fix it befort T" sees it (how can a foreigner proove him or her self ??
  6. einoj

    einoj DI New Member

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    I'm no expert, but just thinking out loud... prevention is always better than cure, so, get to know the pinay before moving in together or getting married. Apparently, asking her questions isn't enough. You can't guarantee the answers are true. (Though NOT all pinays are like this). Most likely, she has a Facebook account, so add her up. Check the stuff on her wall and pictures she's tagged in by friends, etc. Also, don't be in a hurry. As they say, haste makes waste. See how she deals with changes in your plans/schedules, etc.

    But, let's say you're already in hot water, perhaps you can record your next conversations with that person or people connected to that person. Any evidence contradicting what you're being accused of would help. And get a good lawyer.

    Just remember though that this law was created mainly to protect women and children from abuse of any kind. So, even though it may seem like it's not working because of your situation, many women have been helped by this. The problem is not the law but the people who exploit it and those who don't judge fairly. :(
  7. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    Hello einoj I don't know if you are M or F but do you think it is a good law that a man can be arrested on just a claim & then have to find P120,000 to bail himself out of jail? On just a claim by a woman that her husband or B/f verbally abused her & did not financially support her??? I feel sorry if this law was ever applied to a local man who I am sure would not be able to find the bail money, what a great Law if you want to p*ss off your husband, you can use this law to get back at him guilty or not. This can be used to get rid of your husband for say 2 or 3 months in jail so the wife can sell of the husbands assets ( as the assets for a foreigner are in the wife’s name) . Sorry to say but your law stinks! To the highest. It is full of holes. And your jails do not supply bedding except for carton on concrete floor nor does it supply food or water, if not for a good expat friend who bailed me and fed me I would not have had any food for 3 days.
  8. newbie27

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

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    Thats very very true, jails here got poor hygene and beddings unlike to other countries. Take note, no free food for the local jail unless if you're in the provincial jail to any main cities in the region. I tried to visit some jails before doing my interview with prisoners as part of my report years back. I'm not an expert, but I observed in cases where a foreigners are involve, more percentage that a pinoy can win since its their country even for false accusations. My one of my bestfriend ( a foreign guy) visited one of the island which got a big city here in region 7, visayas, he was planted with a shabu, a match was thrown toward him by some guy, so he catch it, then suddenly some guys around him and handicapped him and declared him as doing drugs,surely the match was full of shabu. It was a rough time, until my friend paid a certain amount secretly to this guys and he was released after few days. He flew back to his country and never come back here again. From that day, I started to hate this guys in uniform till now as if they cared. F***! Anyways, I guess, to any countries, if youre a foreigner with a case involve to a foreign land it will give you a slight chance to win. You need a good lawyer and your embassies support to win.
  9. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    You don't have to be in jail for that.It can be done any time whether you like it or not
  10. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    You think we don't spend time getting to know her first? I believe most of the time is like my ex for many with a bad experience. You meet a gal and do great, she's a good and decent gal and honest. However as months pass into years she slowly changes for many reasons sometimes family pressure for more, or new friends she meets who have foreigner husbands who have been westernized and she starts to change. She starts becoming interested in what SHE can get and not just content with what she has. She gets materialistic, starts feeling and acting like she is now all so important and better then others, starts trying to be controling. Now many of us are generally older at least older then the gal we are with. That being said we aren't looking to be controlled or used and often already went through that back home.

    Now these women started off great, they were sincere and honest but changed through time to being unacceptable for what we want in a partner. But then we get stuck on the hook because we are just supposed to accept her new "self" and if we look for a way out are looked at as bad foreigners because we "abandon" our wives.

    Also why do we need a law for children and women? Why can't a law cover everybody equally. Why can't a man claim the same abuses against his wife? Yes there are wives who abuse their husband, and its not so rare either. Are men being abused supposed to be allowed and a good thing? What if the woman tries using the common child against him to get money but doesn't allow him to see his child or goes about telling the child that dad is a bad man? Wheres the mans protection?

    Plus seriously look at this law and how often it could apply to filipino couples.... very very often. Yet its completely ignored for filipino men who abandon their children, abuse their wives, and so forth. But if its a foreigner lets go arrest him without any evidence but a case of "she said so".