I spend a lot of time trying to find where to buy things or where I can hire someone for a particular service. I think a forum category such as FINDING GOOD OR SERVICES would be very handy.
I think there is a thread "where to find" already running on here. "Where to find" list | Dumaguete Info
Good idea. If the forum gets a little more active and there is a higher demand for finding that kind of stuff I will add a forum.
If I may add something here.... This would be a great forum topic to add. 1. This would be the "Go To" website for anyone visiting in the Duma area who needs to find some good or service. 2, This website could become the "Go To" website for those who are staying in the Duma area, and are new and in need particular goods or services. 3. This may help lay down more groundwork that will establish a broader readership, and get new ex-pats plugged into the community, too. And finally, this may also help attract and generate a revenue stream for this site. nwlivewire
I have added the "Where to Find" forum under the Dumaguete category. You should see this on the forum list now. When you create a thread there you will be required to add a prefix to the title (this is located just to the left of where you enter the title of the thread. There are a couple options for a prefix.....some are similar.....don't think to hard about it and select one that applies.) I did a quick search for existing "where to find" threads and threw them in the new sub-forum so there are already quite a few threads in there. Moderators: if you run across any threads outside of this sub-forum that belong in there please go ahead and relocate them to their new home. I'll do my best to go through the older stuff to fill up that sub-forum.