I wouldn't be surprised since the Brits like fishing for Carp, which Americans consider boney and nasty. Haha I did like the fish and chips near RAF Lakenheath, can't remember the name of the fish they used.
Hoots Mon! we are a richt couple 'O' Dunderheids we shoodnae be telling them English aboot oor Haddock, better we keep this quiet and leave them to their Cod (Cat Food) and Pigs Trotters ( Dog Food) and all the other funny things they eat? we'll just keep our Haddock and Haggis to ourselves, can you imagine what would happen if word gets around there and they all start buying this up, there will be none for us and then we will be left with their rotten old Cod for our Arbroath Smokies? Now that is a Bridge too far.
O, a charaid - cha leig thu leas dragh a ghabhail mu na Taigeis nuair a tha Còrnais Pasties mun cuairt. Agus mura aontaich sibh, tha mi a’ moladh gum bi Haggis is Pasty a’ coinneachadh aig briseadh an latha.
Ah dinnae think maist fowk ken scotish gaelic - ainlie mibbie ye 'n' ah. Fur ither folk, ah suggested a rammy atween a haggis 'n' a pasty.
As far as I'm aware in UK, Carp is usually fished for sport and returned to the water after being weighed. I guess like Pike some people might try it, to see what it tastes like.
Did you know the Jocks invented the condom. The English modified this by taking out the sheep's intestine first