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Event Best Posts in Thread: flying to Cebu from Melbourne

  1. Ricardo

    Ricardo DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +14 / 0
    I have use Cebu Pacific and on my trip out from Melbourne the flight was delayed 7 hours.
    They gave a voucher for a free ticket so I asked the girl at the ticket counter " Is his a free ticket anywhere?" and she said she thought it was. I was doubtful....
    Used the voucher on my return trip and only paid A$ 70 in taxes :smile:

    My flights were not very full so you could stretch out BUT the seats dont have much padding so my strategy if I fly with them again would be take a pillow and stock up on snacks, sandwiches etc because the food on offer is not that exciting.
    For value for money great I think my outward trip from Melbourne was A$320
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