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Food for thought with to large a Footprint...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by simple mind, Nov 18, 2013.

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  1. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    One last thing, how come that all the self proclaimed "Millionaires" like you "all the millions of $ I spend drag racing, flying my airplane" are coming to third world countries like the Philippines, I would have thought that they would prefer the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, French Rivera or some other high rolling and expensive place, I thought that's the whole point about being rich, explain please...
  2. Larry_H

    Larry_H DI Member

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    1.) I questioned everything I was taught from a very young age. Admittedly, it did cause me some trouble with those that think they have authority over others. Even as a very young boy, I did my own research, came to my own conclusions. I do have many years of education, to include many post graduate degrees on many different specialties. You bring up "God". In 60 years, I have found no empirical proof that any God exists.

    2.) Countries do make laws, and those laws are voted on by the people (or their representative usually (in countries with some sort of inclusive government system). So no one is telling anyone how to live. They are agreeing on a standard. If you don't like the laws, then go live somewhere else. In my case, I went to law school, not to become a lawyer, but to know what is the law and more importantly, what isn't the law. What is not written in a law is more important that what is written. I love reading law. I instinctively understand the jargon for some reason and I can quickly and efficiently find the loopholes which allow me to live as I please. And it's not in state of chaos now? Read the news lately? How many wars are going on? How many disaster areas? How much corruption, graft, thievery? Doesn't seem to me the legal system is working very well. Maybe chaos would be a good alternative for awhile. I have no problem living in a world where only the strong survive. God's laws?...really? See #1

    When I said "no one", I meant no private citizen has the right or authority to tell another private citizen. You may suggest gently once, but as far as I'm concerned, when I say no or ignore you, any further mention of it is meddling where you don't have the right to go.
  3. Larry_H

    Larry_H DI Member

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    I never said I was a millionaire...that was corporate money I was spending, not personal finances. The corporation lives on, but I got out years ago when it became more stress than fun. I'm coming to live in the Philippines for two reasons. 1. So my wife can be close to her family. 2. I choose not to live where it ever gets cold.
  4. LoneWolf

    LoneWolf DI Junior Member

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    A lot of us that can afford to live somewhere else call the Philippines home due to quality of life that money can not buy. We enjoy personal freedoms here that we no longer have in our homeland. As a Libertarian, I love the ineffectual government that is not "up in my business", telling me how to educate and raise my children. No CPS, no common core, no teaching my kids that having two Dads or two moms is okay,

    It is NOT illegal to be stupid in The Philippines. If you want to ride 5 to a motorcycle, dragging a bundle of rebar on a 125cc motorcycle with no mirrors, lights, or helmets, you can. If you get in an accident and get hurt, as Bill Engeval would say... "Here's your sign!"

    Other positives about the Philippines are: no entitlements, no perfectly well people collecting nut checks courtesy of the working class, no welfare queens. No workie - No eatie! Health care is affordable. A doctor's visit here is less than our deductible would be in the USA (no forced insurance).

    To balance things out though.. The bad parts... $6.00 a gallon gas, $6.00 a gallon milk, grocery prices in general, unreliable and expensive electricity, no place to "open her up wide open" and drive at a death defying rate of speed due to livestock and dogs in the road.
  5. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    I strongly suggest that you humble yourself and look further. The evidence is there. Your eternal destiny depends on it.
  6. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Besides reading the bible you may want to check out this website for the "proof" you are looking for.


    It contains over 8500 articles written by scientists that demonstrate the proof of a creator.
  7. Firefly44

    Firefly44 DI Forum Adept

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    Scientists around the world write more than 8500 articles every day.. Most support The Big Bang.

    Here are a few links for you to peruse Knowda..

    List of human evolution fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    How Old Is The Earth?

    HubbleSite - Reference Desk - FAQs

    That creation s-ite fits all into 6000 years . Ho Ho.. We were painting pretty pictures long before that..

    World's Oldest Cave Art Found
  8. OP
    simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    What you suggest I would think you should do yourself first, namely, to look at "all" the evidence there is, you can not disregard facts that are obviously true in order to believe in your kind of world...
    One could argue that there is a (many) creator but to believe that every word in the Bible is true without fail is, to say the least, foolish...
    I bother to look everywhere and try to come to a conclusion if I can believe what I am learning, there are things that don't make sense at all that people willingly take for true facts, that's the reason why this world is such a mess of contradicting believes...
  9. Larry_H

    Larry_H DI Member

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    Evidence is not proof. I have spent thousands of hours pouring over writings and books and all the literature I could get my hands on. And, in all of it, there are holes, large gaping holes. You say my eternal destiny depends on it. Show me proof....unequivocal proof.

    Let's be clear about what you are talking about....are you touting the existence of "God"; as defined and storied in the King James version of the book called the Holy Bible?
  10. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    I am Jewish, Time to Close someone!
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