Please refrain from posting graphic pictures of victims/death on the forum. Leave that nonsense to FB, we will respect the families here. You can leave a link to the FB post but make sure it does not embed the images. To only leave a link type a phrase such as "FB post here", highlight it, click the link button in the editor (looks like a chain icon) and then paste your link there. I have edited your post to remove the embedded images. Hopefully they find the killers soon and they are punished to the fullest extent of the law.
So scary and what a pity....were those two men "guns/killers for hire"? Who would want him gone? There should be an intelligent probe on this matter so the evildoers will be arrested and punished.
Those two men seem to be "guns/killers for hire"----it wasn't a random act they did----it was obviously premeditated. The question is, who would have hired them?