It is a different world now. I don't think the family could pull the same thing they did back then. I'm not like my father, perhaps he isn't like his. Only time will tell.
He is responsible for all Marco's family and the alleged money others stole? Shite I will blame the British for any bad stuff happening in America and demand compensation. hahaha
Well maybe not fully responsible. But partly for sure. When they fled to Hawaii he was already 28 years old and not a Baby anymore. And the old shoe fetishist is a convicted crimimal (42 years) but never went to jail. And never will for ever with this new situation. Gesendet von meinem M2101K6G mit Tapatalk
I wonder what type of artwork is being hung on the walls of Malacanang these days. Maybe some of it is being returned to the "public" least temporarily.
But let's be FAIR - she did pay the massive sum of Php300,000 as a bail bond. Hmmm... that works out as a profit of ........