It doesn't matter how they decided to abuse the fund. The agreement between citizen and government is that this is an earned pension, not an entitlement. No matter how politicians spend money in the trust fund, the original agreement still stands in the legislation that created the fund and it would take additional legislation to end the agreement and not pay the retirees. Of course, that would never happen.
To be considered a resident, one has to spend a minimum of six months plus one day in the country….one could hence be domiciled in a country for tax purpose without being a resident…in the U.K. it is enough to pay £30,000 plus a year to be domiciled without any tax burden…ask the current PM’s wife for more info!
True, Dutchie. I agree with your post and very interesting link. But it remains their right, true ? The fact that pension funds get misused shouldn't have any influence to the fact of life "that we paid for it". We get robbed. Simple as that.
We are treated badly as citizens in the UK - often having FAR less rights than minorities - and treated even more badly should we decide to live abroad for a period of time. But what can we do? It is interesting to note that in 2019 there were 233,000 registered expat voters and this may increase due to the abolition of the rule that withdrew the right to vote from those who lived outside the UK for 15 years or more. There are many marginal seats that can swing with just 1000 votes! The problem for the next General Election is that the current trend is for a massive Labour victory, whereby marginal seats will have no effect on the overall results. But if the trend changes or there is a future election where marginal seats play a role, expats should use their votes to get the promise of some rights. After all, we are not too bothered about the mass of lies (called a "Manifesto") UK residents are promised but now only our rights as expats.
Unfortunately politicians make laws that do not treat their citizens fairly. They will hand out billions to mates in Contracts - the UK being one of the most corrupt countries in the world - but cut a far lesser amount from ordinary citizens, leaving some in misery. They don't care.
I have never quite understood Richard Sunak's position as the Prime minister in UK. Yes I believe his wife is worth millions, what ever the circumstances maybe, as far as I know nothing has been done illegally and she voluntary agreed to pay taxes in UK when matters were raised, although her family's fortunes lie elsewhere. It would seem that you are correct NMRN. The recent re-suffle of the Cabinet surprised me when one individual was welcomed back to Government. His involvement with a company now under investigation was questionably a "error of judgement"
NOTHING from a Tory government should surprise us - and this is one of the MOST right-wing since Genghis Khan was 'Minister for Sport and Recreation'. They would sell their onw grandmothers and I guess many have.