It’s lazy governance. The cops in my family say there were only instructed to enforce the sales bad after a few guys had gotten into a noisy, drunken fight on the street after curfew. I think in general the locals are a bit more binary with their drinking, either nothing or no stopping, and are much more likely to drink in groups. Then there’s the glass sharing thing with Red Horse. It’s just easier for the governor to hand down a collective punishment than actually isolate and prosecute the troublemakers.
Best Posts in Thread: General Community Quarentine (GCQ) May 1
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Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer
No eating in at Y Not, Casablanca had people dining outside, a bit early so didn't see anyone having a beer or other with their meal, will check that next week. Ladies at Y Not expect full dining in after May 16.
Rolling Pin by Silliman is now open but Sophia's Wine Store was still closed.
No checkpoints, seniors all over the place. Slowly getting back to normal, but with a mask. I figure if you are walking and wear a mask, no one will bother you in town.-
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#NewsBite: Governor Roel Degamo has confirmed to reporters that Negros Oriental will be downgraded from enhanced to general community quarantine (GCQ) starting May 1, in accordance with directives from the national Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID).
He said this after meeting with members of the provincial IATF-EID on Tuesday to finalize the transition of the province from ECQ to GCQ.
While Degamo enumerated some of the basic guidelines in Negros Oriental under GCQ, the complete guidelines will be disclosed in detail through an executive order that he is expected to issue on Wednesday. | via Raffy Cabristante, 106.3 Yes The Best News Editor
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Please, only girls who were born females this time
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We had a couple of these in the past and they turned out fun. The last one was at South Beach Dauin. Some guys brought their partners. I think we allowed ONLY one brit - JP. HE PROMISED TO BUY BEERS FOR EVERYONE AT THE NEXT GET TOGETHER, if we let him join.
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
Personally I prefer to keep my opinions to myself, purely because I'm sure nobody here really cares what I think, and there are more than enough people here continually giving their "expert" opinions on every matter under the sun.-
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Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account
Life on earth started with micro-organisms (bacteria). One day, following multi-mutations, a viruses will wipe out most/all other species on earth, returning it to it's beginnings. Might be thousands of years from now, might be next year. The obvious flaw in this is what will the viruses live on, with no hosts, hence they would mutate to be non-fatal and non-threatening to certain hosts.
Happy GCQ!-
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