hi...if you want girls from outside the city...just msg me, i know a lot from volunteer works an hour or 2 outside dgte
Hi,I have american good boyfriend(Im very lucky)But Im looking for a good person like him,for my beloved sister..shes 21 yrs.old but has 2 kids..she's from siaton..Just trying to post here and see how it work..I will tell you everything if you are interested.PEACE.
I was recently in the same boat looking for a new gf and being a bit of a shy guy at first. I have a few suggestions though far as websites try dateinasia and tagged. Tagged is like facebook but smaller and can do alright on it. Far as where to go to meet gals randomly I used to walk the boulevard and sit in lee plaza in the food court as well. If a gal makes eye contact and/or smiles at you say something and try and chat. Only a few will make eye contact with you as most are very shy but many will talk to you especially those who make eye contact. Then just get there cell number and become used to texting. When you meet them the first time make sure its someplace quiet but public. Few ideas can be Mea's (Near airport) Qyosko (downtown by steds), Edel Weiss, even a table earlier on at maybe Trendi's. Someplace not majorly traveled but not private either. I've met tons of gals, some bad, many good, and many not for me. I even still know a few good gals but don't set them up unless I really know the foeigner well as most tend to just want fun and after a few months break her heart and plenty of gals for that without the couple good ones I know.
I have found a potential GF. I have noticed that many of the Ex-pats do not seem to communicate with their Filapina GF's when out. When I asked why I was told there was a significant communication problems. The frustration of mis-communication was resolved by great reducing the communication. Now that I am spending some time with one lady and trying to communicate I realize the cause of the problem and the frustration it brings. Does anyone have an suggestion on how enhance the communication ability of the Filipina? Is there classes or tutors available? I am just trying to get to the point where we are not just dealing with body language and facial expressions only or me taking long breaks due to the frustration.....
D&I, your point is a good one and should bring some healthy discussion. Personally, I haven't had that problem but have the same observation as you. I will weigh in with this. 1. Many filipinas are shy to begin with and some with limited English are nervous their talking much could be embarrassing. 2. The fact is there is and always will be a cultural difference, and thus, limited common ground. If you talked to those who are married and spend time with their husbands in the US, for example, you see a different and more confident person. 3. If you go to a party, the filipinas will always join each other for talks while the guys sit around drinking beer and B.S. with each other. Not necessarily bad but that is the way it is. 4. Another factor may be an initial lack of trust and confidence she has in you. Are you here for the long term; are you merely after sex; do you have another gf; etc etc. So what can you do. One idea is to bring another family member along with you, for a while. Another is to find a common comfortable topic. Another perhaps controversial for some is to spend some money and buy her a few nice things, like a new cell phone. If sincere feelings develop, you may find she will open up (conversationally, not legs, lol). This advice free and reasonable. Dr. Pat O. Mindoro email: pmindoro@!yahoo.com
Dear Dr. Pat, Is Your advice column syndicated or just for the lucky DI members? I await Your next column with anticipation....O-xI
Dr Pat..... Thanks for you insight. I think the shy concept and lack of English Language ability are the problems. I understand and have patience with the cultural issues and differences. If figured I could either try to change the whole Filipino population to my way of thinking or change my approaches. I chose the later. How open is the average Filipina to expanding their English language base? How best to approach this concept of additional training?. She is a sweet young lady, but shy and sensitive. I think the shy and sensitive nature would evolve with time, and better communication. I have realized that a Filipina with stateside experience is a totally different lady. I stopped dating in the US, because I found the lady's attitude seem to focus on the financial characteristics of a person more than anything else. Of course the same happens in some cases here, but there are more that seem to focus on the person here. Thanks again
Tomtorific, got to keep free and reasonable advice to selected posts on this forum only. Otherwise I might be subjected to questions such as, I had sex with my mother-in-law, now what do i do now? Or, I found out she is really a ladyboy, should I keep the relationship going? Or I gave my gf 40,000 for sick mom and now she wants 20k more for her medication, should I give it to her? Or my gf does not believe the Bill Clinton act is not sex and won't do it to me, how can I get her to do it? Save all those type of questions for dear abbly, I get a headache from them.