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Good Morning People/Wife is Shopping

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by oztony, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    The NHS, but not as we know it!

    Yes Jim,
    There are so many similarities between the lead up to privatization of Royal mail and now the NHS.
    Simply put, If you want to privatise a state institution, make it look inefficient!
    My wife and friends working for NHS are trying their best to cope with staff shortages due to cut backs.

    I'll just add to that soon it will be private pension plans and medical insurance to follow!:(
  2. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    My problem also when asawa asks how I am, if I share like today, lower back pain and shoulder pain making mobility unbearable, she is mega worried asking if I have taken medicine, no amount of explaining that the dozen or so Tablets I take each morning ARE for the management of Pain, asawa frets that I am not taking a particular tablet for a particular pain, it just doesn't work like that, so I normally play down days like today to minimise the worry factor, just wasn't thinking fast enough through a haze of pain earlier today before I replied to her... :(

    Sounds like Oz? Create Income Tax so you can retire on a Pension, then take it away and force you to fund your own Retirement by way of 'Superannuation', only to be told that you will not receive that now as they need it to fight Global Warming, so instead, they will take that, and give you a Pension, but not until after you have worked until you are 68/70 years old, IF you make it that far... Meanwhile the Politicians Retire with a lifetime Pension plus Perks of more than a quarter of a million dollars per year...

    My ol Mum In-law worked and paid for the highest Medical Cover available, come time for her knee replacement, she was up for more than $4,000 for things not covered by her top cover...

    WHAT is the point of top cover when you still need to pay thousands for 'extras' that are not covered by the Insurance or Medicare?

    What is the point of funding your own retirement when you will not receive your investment back and will end up living in poverty IF you live long enough?

    The World as I once knew it to be sure is one screwed up mess! I am so over hearing here how it has to be those who are old, sick or disabled who have to make the sacrifices when the country is supporting HOW MANY Retired Politicians, for every 4 that is around a Million Dollars per year, if anyone needs to make sacrifices, I believe it is the dead wood that Taxpayers are paying to keep their noses in the Truffle Troughs each year. Politicians should apply and pass a means test the same as every other Taxpayer in Australia to be entitled to any payment after retirement... :(
  3. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    John, I had an operation in my ear, graft over a ruptured ear drum, only a small op, but tricky and made me feel very dizzy, after a few hours later they discharged me. Normally It's a one or two days stay. but it's like you say....cut backs. be even worse when Scotland leaves us. thats if they do. Sorry Brian for the off topic hijack