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Best Posts in Thread: Gravity Powered Lights

  1. Hans Boot

    Hans Boot DI Member Restricted Account

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    Interesting to say the least. Only drawback is the limited time it provides light: I thought I heard them mention 20 min, which would require hoisting the weight 3 times for an hour's worth of light. Same power-generating method could possibly be applied to run a small fan in case Noreco deceides to turn the power off again....
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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Do you use it regularly or just for 'blackbrownouts'?

    Had a quick look on amazon.com and the lamp that appears very similar to yours is listed OOS! Perhaps is no longer made? Then found Deciwatt, who state "
    In 2019 we stopped manufacturing GravityLight to focus on a new product called nowlight. Pull on the nowlight cord to generate electricity. A minute of pulling creates up to 2 hours of light!" Price is $119.

    An earlier poster mention the physical effort of pulling the weight back up every 25 mins or so - one transforming moment in my life was when I read to stop seeing things as a chore when there is a physical activity bonus in it. So, when I trudged across my large garden carrying branches etc., I stopped thinking it was a chore but an extra piece of exercise. Big change in attitude and is part of turning win/lose or lose/lose into win/win.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    That article was posted back in 2012. Many changes and updates were made since then. :wink:
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  4. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Only the initial run of lights which I assume is for for evaluation purposes via the donations made;

    This $5 lamp is powered by gravity (and just destroyed its funding target on Indiegogo)

    The initial run of 1,000 GravityLights will be distributed for free to villagers in Africa and India, the designers say. Based on the results, they will tweak the product and then seek NGO and non-profit organizations’ help in distributing it even more widely.

    Thousands of backers have contributed anywhere from $10, which gets a thank-you, to $100, which pays for three GravityLights to be sent to needy villages in developing nations, a GravityLight of your own, and several other perks. And four sponsors have signed up at the $5,000 level to help the project succeed — and get their names and logos on the initial run of devices.

    This $5 lamp is powered by gravity (and just destroyed its funding target on Indiegogo)
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  5. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Mine will stay on with 2 quick pushes of the button. One push just lights the charge remaining indicator lights. I keep a Ravpower 10,400 mah battery bank for charging phones in the house should there be no power. It's scarcely bigger than a deck of cards but too dense to carry in a pocket.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I have a couple of these. Good for when you need to find something or walk around in the dark. (At least with mine because I have to hold the button down for the light.) Mine isn't so good during long brownouts as I always have phones to charge after a couple hours.
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Kinda stating the obvious there. :wink:

    Grinding poverty sucks. Products like these (like with solar and even something as simple as window screens) actually pay for themselves over time and will end up saving the family money.....but the "here and now" is a very hard thing to get away from when you might not even know when your next glass of water or meal will come from.

    It seems I didn't look all that hard.

    FYI: ".org" does not mean the owner of the site is linked to a charity or non-profit. .com .org and .net are now unregulated:
    "Registrations of subdomains are processed via accredited registrars worldwide. Anyone can register a second-level domain within org, without restrictions.[4][5] In some instances subdomains are being used also by commercial sites, such as craigslist.org. According to the ICANN Dashboard (Domain Name) report, the composition of the TLD is diverse, including cultural institutions, associations, sports teams, religious, and civic organizations, open-source software projects, schools, environmental initiatives, social, and fraternal organizations, health organizations, legal services, as well as clubs, and community-volunteer groups. In some cases subdomains have been created for crisis management.[which?] Some cities, among them Rybnitsa[1] in Transnistria) also have org domain names.'
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  8. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    and I was only emphasizing that they couldn't possibly give one to everyone that could it.

    "The World Bank reports that in 2001 per capita household consumption (in constant 1995 US dollars) was $299. Household consumption includes expenditures of individuals, households, and nongovernmental organizations on goods and services, excluding purchases of dwellings." Togo, Africa annual income $299 or $25/month. Even $3.50 is 14% of total monthly income and is about the limit potential customers last year were willing to spend on window screens (all, not per window) to keep flies away from their children to reduce the chances of malaria.

    gravitylight.org and from the funding site "The GravityLight Foundation is a UK registered charity, so please let us know if you are a UK tax payer to enable us to claim Gift Aid from the UK government. " (the giving away free part was in reference to Hans' comment saying they would most likey be given away free)

    My comments were only intended to express an overall observation of companies with great ideas in theory that end up being out of financial reach of the stated target market and even hit the U.S. shelves with a seemingly premium retail price. If this company succeeds I will be glad, I hope they prove me wrong. With no mention of target price my spidey sense is tingling though. Time will tell.
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    1.5 billion in the world that could use it.....really doubt they have any expectations on giving away that many. I think they are trying to emphasize how many people in the world are living off an electrical grid, not say that they are going to give one of these to every single one of them.
    3.50? It is not designed to be a disposable item like kerosene is. I'd bet that families spend more than that a month on kerosene. $10-15 would be a reasonable price for something like this in the third world. Also, did you hear the part where they were being backed by a major oil company? (Shell if I remember correctly.)
    They don't say anything about giving away these items. I don't remember seeing anywhere where they claim to be a charity. I suspect that they will help out the most desperate of families, but that's just a guess.
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  10. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Read again or maybe I wasn't clear enough, I said on the FUNDING site you GET ONE for $70. I did NOT say they are selling for $70. They are talking about 1.5 billion (with a B) people that can use this. Is crowd funding going to raise $45 billion (with a B)? I doubt it. Some (most) will have to buy their own in which case the commercial unit price needs to be closer to $3.50. They do not say what their target price is or how may 100s or 1000s they expect to be able to give away, which are in my opinion the two biggest questions that currently need to be addressed.
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