I may be new on the "block" but I'm pretty sure all men have an adam's apple, woman do not have the same sizeable protrusion.. And my attention is generally focused on the woman's eyes which are only a few inches from the throat. You can fake boobs and tuck a unit, can't hide an adam's apple.
keep in mind your speaking to a medical physician, the smaller contour of the average pinay can show less protusion of an addams apple, and a simple google search will reveal removal all together of the adams apple is possible.. have a great day
And I would know that how? The average Pinoy cannot afford the cost of the surgery for removal of the Adam's apple. Unless of course you operate a free clinic for said surgery. I am not an OB/GYN, but I used to play one in the neighborhood.
thats just it, you would not know. So keep it down, we all know cost of medical is far more inexpensive here, and many of the "working girls" take the foreingers money big time use it on procedures.. just my opinion but what would I know? lol
It makes perfect sense that the development of the adam's apple is directly related to the amount of testosterone in one's system. Women actually do have one (check out Ann Coulter, she has a very prominent one), it is usually just barely noticeable. And, I have noticed many men here who obviously are lacking of testosterone, they look and sound like they never even went through puberty!! These men will have very small, if non-existant, adam's apples.
Smaller builds (less fat around the neck) will make it even more prevalent, not less. Fatty McFat Neck Foreigner almost never has a prominent Adam's Apple.
thank you, due to the physicolocal make up of the filipina its not that apparent one would be visible. This is not true in all cases but im just stating facts here people.
I was refering to how I would know horizon was a medical physician? I may have fallen off the back of a turnip truck, but I thought All physicians were medical.
LoL The LARGE majority of the working girls do NOT take money to have surgery. Feed the baby/siblings/parents, tattoos, shabu, pot, beer, load.....yeah, all that, but rarely surgery. The only working girls I have known to get surgery weren't actually girls.